La riparazione automobilistica era un tempo semplice e diretta, in modo tale che qualsiasi meccanico potesse mantenere un'auto in buone condizioni per diversi anni. Tuttavia, poiché i veicoli stanno diventando sempre più sofisticati, il lavoro di un meccanico automobilistico è diventato più tecnico. Le conoscenze e gli strumenti necessari per la manutenzione e la riparazione dei veicoli sono ora più specializzati.
Forse sei sempre stato incuriosito dal funzionamento interno delle automobili e stai cercando una carriera nella meccanica automobilistica. Con la tendenza in evoluzione delle automobili, avrai sicuramente bisogno di una formazione approfondita sui componenti dei veicoli e di informazioni aggiornate sulle tecnologie di sviluppo.
Il tuo primo passo dovrebbe essere quello di iscriverti a una scuola di meccanica adeguata. Con la giusta formazione, puoi costruire una proficua carriera come meccanico. Tuttavia, molte scuole offrono programmi di formazione per meccanici, il che rende difficile scegliere quello giusto.
Abbiamo selezionato le 75 migliori scuole di meccanica automobilistica negli Stati Uniti nel 2021 e le abbiamo classificate per restringere la tua scelta. Tutte queste scuole offrono programmi di formazione di alta qualità che possono qualificarti per lavorare nel settore automobilistico.
Mentre alcuni offrono specializzazioni uniche, altri hanno una durata del corso più breve. Continuando a leggere, troverai il programma di formazione perfetto per le tue esigenze.
- 1 Metodologia di classificazione
- Le 2 migliori 100 scuole di meccanica automobilistica negli Stati Uniti
- 3 Prospettive di lavoro e salario per i meccanici automobilistici
- 4 Checklist della scuola di meccanica
- 5 Licenze e certificazioni per meccanici
- 6 competenze ed esperienze essenziali per la meccanica automobilistica
Metodologia di classificazione
Poiché miriamo ad aiutarti a prendere la decisione migliore, ti forniremo un'idea di come abbiamo classificato queste scuole. Abbiamo utilizzato una metodologia composta da sei parametri per costruire la nostra classifica in modo appropriato e sono:
1.Reputazione accademica (30%)
● Pareri di esperti (20%)
Questo metodo di classificazione dà peso a un sondaggio di valutazione tra pari di individui in grado di giudicare il rendimento scolastico della scuola. I migliori accademici come presidenti, preposti, presidi di ammissione o altri funzionari in posizioni equivalenti valutano la qualità accademica di una scuola in base a una scala. Il punteggio medio di tutti gli intervistati diventa il punteggio di valutazione tra pari della scuola.
● Eccellenza degli studenti (10%) 33582
La reputazione accademica di una scuola è influenzata dalla sua capacità di attrarre studenti in grado di gestire impegnativi corsi di livello universitario. Pertanto, nel modello di classificazione vengono considerati i punteggi medi dei test sia sulla matematica SAT che sulla lettura e scrittura basata sull'evidenza e sull'ACT composito degli studenti.
In sostanza, le scuole che ammettono studenti con voti alti e punteggi dei test durante il liceo consentono agli istruttori di progettare classi con corsi rigorosi. Queste scuole avranno classifiche più alte.
2. Risorse finanziarie (10%)
Le risorse finanziarie sono misurate dalla spesa media per studente per ricerca, servizi agli studenti, supporto accademico e altre spese studentesche correlate. È anche una misura di una serie di aiuti finanziari per la scuola come borse di studio e sovvenzioni. Una spesa generosa per studente simboleggia che una scuola può offrire un'ampia varietà di programmi e servizi.
3. Gamma di Corsi di Laurea (10,5%)
Questa classifica considera la gamma di livelli di laurea e la gamma di materie di laurea. Mentre alcune scuole di meccanica automobilistica offrono un programma di diploma di due anni, altre offrono una laurea di quattro anni. Alcuni forniscono anche una certificazione tecnica non di laurea.
A volte, i programmi quadriennali hanno combinato major come un corso di business. Questi programmi potrebbero essere ottimi per le persone che vogliono imparare a monetizzare le proprie capacità tecniche. In genere, i programmi con durate più lunghe di solito hanno una gamma di corsi più completa e attireranno classifiche più alte.
4. Citazione (20%)
La classifica delle citazioni si riferisce all'influenza della ricerca di una scuola, che è il suo ruolo nella diffusione di nuove conoscenze e idee. Consideriamo il numero medio di volte in cui i lavori pubblicati di una scuola sono citati da studiosi a livello globale. Queste citazioni sono ottenute da riviste, libri, articoli e atti di conferenze.
Questa classifica aiuta a mostrare il contributo di ciascuna scuola alla conoscenza umana. Le istituzioni le cui ricerche si sono distinte, o sono state riprese e sviluppate da altri studiosi e condivise a livello globale, hanno valutazioni più elevate.
5. Prospettive internazionali (7,5%)
Qui, abbiamo considerato la proporzione di studenti internazionali e personale internazionale che una scuola attrae da tutto il mondo. Abbiamo anche esaminato la proporzione di collaborazioni internazionali con i coautori nelle loro pubblicazioni su riviste di ricerca. Elevati volumi di prospettive internazionali indicano che una scuola ha una buona reputazione sulla scena mondiale.
5. Tassi di laurea e mantenimento (22%)
Questo parametro prende in esame il numero medio di studenti del primo anno che sono tornati nella stessa scuola nell'anno accademico successivo. Maggiore è la percentuale di studenti che tornano e alla fine si diplomano, maggiore sarà la classifica della scuola. È un'indicazione che offrono le classi e i servizi giusti di cui gli studenti hanno bisogno.
Se stai cercando le migliori scuole di meccanica automobilistica, questo è il posto giusto Le 100 migliori scuole di meccanica automobilistica negli Stati Uniti
Stato di Pittsburg
Pittsburg, Kansas
Poiché è stato costruito all'interno del Kansas Technology Center, i laboratori di riparazione dello stato di Pittsburg sono dotati delle più recenti apparecchiature diagnostiche. Questa esposizione all'avanguardia prepara meglio gli studenti a lavorare nel mondo moderno. La facoltà è altrettanto rinomata, poiché offre agli studenti l'accesso a tutte le risorse di cui hanno bisogno per avere successo.
Programmi inclusi
- Laurea Magistrale in Tecnologia (2 anni, 30-33 crediti)
- Laurea in tecnologia automobilistica (4 anni, crediti variabili)
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Service Technology (2 anni, 64 crediti)
- Certificato in Automotive Service Technology (2 anni, 55 crediti)
- Nello stato:$ 8.164/anno
- Al di fuori dello stato:$ 18.804/anno
Perché studiare qui?
- Offre l'intera gamma di corsi di laurea, fino ai Master
- La possibilità di seguire alcuni corsi online
- Garage di 32.000 piedi dotato di tecnologia all'avanguardia
- Facoltà competente
- Piccole classi con molto apprendimento pratico
- Offre anche un'enfasi sui macchinari diesel e pesanti
- Nessun programma inferiore a due anni
Weber State University
Ogden, UT
Coloro che cercano di ottenere un BS o AAT completo dovrebbero prendere seriamente in considerazione la Weber State University di Ogden, nello Utah. Quando ti laurei alla Weber State University, il rovescio della medaglia è che si tratta di un programma più lungo, progettato per essere preso come studente a tempo pieno. Se hai tempo e denaro, però, frequentare Weber State è un investimento per il tuo futuro.
Programmi inclusi
- Laurea in tecnologia automobilistica (125-126 crediti)
- Corsi di sistema e riparazione:48 crediti
- Gestione e affari:9 crediti
- Standard e regolamenti:3 crediti
- Sostegno/istruzione generale:66 crediti
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Service Technology (63-67 crediti)
- Corsi sui servizi automobilistici:21-23 crediti
- Sostegno/istruzione generale:24 crediti
- Certificato di competenza nella tecnologia dei servizi automobilistici (16 crediti)
- Nello stato:$ 4892/anno
- Al di fuori dello stato:$ 14.679/anno
Perché studiare qui?
- Offre corsi di laurea completi
- Coerentemente classificato tra i primi 10 programmi di tecnologia automobilistica
- Facoltà appassionata e competente
- Costo maggiore
- I programmi richiederanno almeno due anni per essere completati
Istituto Tecnico Area Lago
Watertown, SD
Studiare al Lake Area Technical Institute ti dà una solida esperienza con tutte le più recenti apparecchiature diagnostiche, rendendoti molto desiderabile per i datori di lavoro. Trascorrerai la maggior parte del tuo tempo lavorando sulle auto nella loro officina di 27.000 piedi, quindi ti laureerai con una vera esperienza pratica.
Programmi inclusi
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology (71 crediti, quattro semestri)
- Riparazione e corsi tecnici:56 crediti
- Istruzione generale:6 crediti
- Corsi di leadership e carriera:9 crediti
- AAS:Light Duty Diesel Option (71 crediti, quattro semestri)
- Stessa ripartizione del credito di AAS in Automotive Technology
- Certificato Light Duty Diesel in tecnologia automobilistica (18 crediti, un semestre)
Lezioni: $ 3.975- $ 4.063/semestre
Perché studiare qui?
- Trascorri più tempo in garage che in classe
- Acquisisci esperienza con le più recenti apparecchiature diagnostiche
- Scelta dei corsi di gas per autotrazione o diesel leggero
- La possibilità di seguire solo i corsi diesel se sei già laureato in auto
- Il programma pensato solo per studenti a tempo pieno
- Costo per credito più elevato
ATU Ozark
Ozark, AR
Il programma dell'ATU Ozark è di natura pratica. Si concentra sulla diagnosi e la riparazione automobilistica. Gli studenti imparano come testare e riparare tutti i principali sistemi delle auto moderne di oggi. Partecipare al programma AAS completo di 2 anni ti darà un background dall'inizio alla fine per lavorare o addirittura possedere il tuo garage.
Programmi inclusi
- Laurea associata in Tecnologia dei servizi automobilistici (60 crediti)
- Specifico per riparazione auto:51 crediti
- Istruzione generale:9 crediti
- Durata:2 anni a tempo pieno
- Certificato tecnico in tecnologia dei servizi automobilistici (36 crediti)
- Specifico per la riparazione automatica:27 crediti
- Istruzione generale:9 crediti
- Durata:1 anno a tempo pieno
- Certificato di competenza nella tecnologia dei servizi automobilistici (16 crediti)
- Elettronica:6 crediti
- Teoria del motore:4 crediti
- Sistemi frenanti:3 crediti
- Telaio e sterzo:3 crediti
- Nello stato:$ 125/credito
- Al di fuori dello stato:$ 250/credito
Perché studiare qui?
- Preparazione pratica per il lavoro su auto moderne
- Offre un corso di laurea completo per potenziali proprietari di garage
- Il programma Shorter Certificate ti consente di lavorare in meno di un anno
- Costo per credito relativamente alto
Università statale di Delhi di New York
Delhi, New York
Tutto alla Delhi State University è conforme agli standard del settore. I docenti devono avere 15 anni di esperienza nel campo automobilistico e tutte le attrezzature utilizzate dagli studenti sono quelle che troverai nei garage di oggi. I laureati hanno un alto tasso di successo sia nella forza lavoro che nella formazione continua.
Programmi inclusi
- AAS – Tecnologia automobilistica (4 semestri)
- AOS – Tecnologia automobilistica (4 semestri)
Lezioni: $ 7.070/anno
Perché studiare qui?
- Classificato a livello nazionale dal NATEF
- Tutti i docenti sono tecnici certificati master
- I crediti sono completamente trasferibili a un college di 4 anni
- Formazione sui veicoli dei clienti nel laboratorio automobilistico
- Gli studenti possono ottenere fino a 8 certificazioni ASE dopo la laurea
Università del New Mexico orientale – Roswell
Roswell, Nuovo Messico
Diventare un tecnico maestro richiede una formazione seria. Il programma di tecnologia automobilistica presso la Eastern New Mexico University fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per arrivarci. Insieme al corso di laurea, i certificati di occupabilità e di formazione professionale rendono i laureati particolarmente attraenti all'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro.
Programmi inclusi
- Associate of Applied Science – Automotive Technology (62 crediti, quattro semestri)
- Istruzione generale:21 crediti
- Certificato di occupabilità (40 crediti)
- Certificato di formazione professionale (52 crediti)
- Corsi automobilistici:41 crediti
- Certificato in freni per autoveicoli (6 crediti)
- Certificato di livello 1 (14 crediti)
Lezioni :$ 3.103/semestre
Perché studiare qui?
- Certificato a livello nazionale da ASE/NATEF
- Copre tutte e otto le principali aree di studio
- Studenti che si preparano alla certificazione di Tecnici Master
- Offre una varietà di certificazioni
- Lavoro non così flessibile con studenti part-time
Arkansas State University
Casa di montagna, AR
Vuoi lasciare la scuola e entrare nel mondo del lavoro il più rapidamente e convenientemente possibile. All'Arkansas State University, puoi guadagnare il tuo AAS in Tecnologia automobilistica in soli tre semestri e a un costo totale di soli $ 10.000. Imparerai tanto quanto nelle altre scuole, ma lo imparerai più velocemente e te ne andrai con tutti gli strumenti di cui hai bisogno per trovare un lavoro.
Programmi inclusi
- AAS in Workforce Technology – Automotive (60 crediti, tre semestri più laboratorio)
- Corsi tecnici:35 crediti
- Corsi di carriera:5 crediti
- Laboratorio automobilistico:8 crediti
- Istruzione generale:12 crediti
- Certificato tecnico in riparazione di sistemi automobilistici (48 crediti, due semestri più laboratorio)
- Corsi tecnici:35 crediti
- Corsi di carriera:5 crediti
- Laboratorio automobilistico:8 crediti
- Certificato di competenza nella riparazione di sistemi automobilistici (12 crediti, un semestre)
- Nello stato:$ 267/credito
- Al di fuori dello stato:$ 552/credito
Perché studiare qui?
- Il frenetico programma ti consente di guadagnare un AAS in 18 mesi
- Lab completo e pratico facilita il passaggio al posto di lavoro
- Gli studenti se ne vanno con il proprio toolkit di riparazione
- Il programma è intensivo
- Non così flessibile per gli studenti part-time
Alfred State College of Technology
Alfred, New York
Il personale dell'Alfred State College of Technology è seriamente intenzionato a preparare gli studenti per il mondo reale. Questo programma intensivo di due anni copre ogni sistema e stile di motore, offrendo ai laureati il solido background di cui hanno bisogno per avere successo. L'opzione per completare un secondo diploma associato in sport motoristici, sport motoristici o motocicli può renderti ancora più versatile e occupabile.
Programmi inclusi
- AOS – Tecnico dell'assistenza automobilistica (52 crediti, due anni)
- Nello stato:$ 8.075/anno
- Al di fuori dello stato:$ 14.635/anno
Perché studiare qui?
- Il 100% dei laureati continua a lavorare a tempo pieno oa proseguire gli studi
- Include 1.800 ore di formazione pratica sulla riparazione automobilistica
- Copre ogni sistema e tipo di auto, incluso il diesel
- Certificato da NAFTC, NATEF e dalla stazione di ispezione di New York
- Opzione per completare un secondo AAS in 1 anno
- Può entrare direttamente in un corso di laurea dopo il completamento della laurea
- Not suitable for part-time students
- Not as much program variety
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI
Are you looking for a school that offers online learning? Ferris State University gives you the option of completing their Automotive Management course remotely. This option is ideal for those already working in a garage who just need the degree to expand their knowledge. There is also an in-person course with hands-on experience.
Included Programs
- Bachelor of Science in Automotive Engineering Technology (4 years)
- Bachelor of Science in Automotive Management (4 years)
- Associate Degree in Automotive Management (2 years)
- In-state:$431/credit
- Out-of-state:$696/credit
Why study here?
- Can earn an Automotive Management certification online
- Programs include instruction in marketing, accounting, and other business skills
- Can transfer credits easily to and from nearby universities
- Over 80% of students receive financial assistance
- Multiple degrees tracks available
- Doesn’t focus on as many technical aspects of auto repair
- Lengthy program with a higher overall cost
Ferris State University
Northern Michigan University
Marquette, MI
The hands-on aspect of the automotive technology program at Northern Michigan University is the most helpful part of the program. Along with the technical aspects of car repair, you’ll learn how to run a safe and efficient workplace. This makes it ideal for someone who wants to run a garage, not just work in one.
Included Programs
- AAS in Automotive Service Technology (65 credits)
- Automotive repair:41 credits
- Industry and safety:5 credits
- General courses:19 credits
- Duration:1-2 years
- Certificate in Automotive Service Technology (46 credits)
- Technical courses of the AAS without the liberal arts requirement.
- Duration:1 year
Tuition :$5,364/semester
Why study here?
- Teaches everything you need to manage a garage
- Focus on full mechanical aptitude
- The certificate option lets you complete the coursework faster
Eastern Arizona College
Thatcher, AZ
The student experience at Eastern Arizona College is just like working in a real garage. You’ll make actual repairs while you learn the methods behind them. This is true of all their programs, which range from a consultant certification to a full AAS.
Included Programs
- AAS – Automotive Service Technology (64 credits, four semesters)
- Technical courses:37-39 credits
- Supporting/general education:25-27 credits
- Automotive Service Consultant Certificate (30 credits, two semesters)
- Technical courses:21 credits
- Supporting courses:9 credits
- Automotive Technician Certificate (23 credits, two semesters)
- Auto Maintenance Certificate (16 credits, two semesters)
- In-state:$1,350/semester
- Out-of-state:$5,700/semester
Why study here?
- Tons of hands-on experience
- Also provides the experience you need to manage a repair shop
- Offers both AAS and technical certifications
- Fully prepares students to take all necessary tests
- Very expensive for out-of-state students
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Shell Lake, WI
The vocational programs at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College are nationally ranked. More importantly, their graduates are consistently hired in serious garages. By focusing just on car repair, they condense the program down to 9-12 months, one of the fastest on this list.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technician (55 credits, two years)
- Technical Diploma – Automotive Service Technician (29 credits, 9-12 months)
- Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (11 credits, one semester)
Tuition :$4,992 for full program
Why study here?
- The full program takes only 9-12 months to complete
- Financial aid is easy to apply for
- Credits can be transferred to a 4-year school for further education
- Flexible programs and class times work with real life
- Diagnostic training isn’t as in-depth
UA Cossatot
De Queen, AR
All of the technical sciences courses at UA Cossatot are designed to get graduates directly into the workforce. This focus on advancing your career makes it a practical choice. UA Cossatot also offers one-semester certificates in a wide range of skills, making it an appealing option for continuing education.
Included Programs
- Technical Certificate – Automotive Service Technology (45 credits, 1-2 years)
- Certificates of proficiency:
- Brakes, Suspension &Steering (8 credits)
- Drive Train Specialist (8 credits)
- Engine Performance (10 credits)
- Diesel Engines (8 credits)
- Engine Repair &Climate Control (10 credits)
- Diesel Brakes (8 credits)
- Electrical/Electronic Systems (9 credits)
- Diesel Electrical/Electronics (8 credits)
- Diesel Steering and Suspension (8 credits)
Tuition: $74-$102/credit
Why study here?
- Will be thoroughly trained up to NATEF standards
- Focus on preparing you to enter the workforce
- Technical certifications are ideal for continuing learners
- Easy to transfer credits to other institutions
- Can pair certifications with an AAS in Skilled and Technical Sciences
- No AAS in Automotive Technology
Alexandria Technical &Community College
Alexandria, MN
Suppose your main interest is in diesel engine repair, including trucks and industrial equipment. You’ll get all the classroom knowledge, of course, including the theory of mechanics and current industry standards. More important, though, are the labs, where you’ll work directly on equipment.
Included Programs
- AAS in Diesel Mechanics (75 credits, 108 hours)
- Repair and technical courses:58 credits
- General education:12 credits
- Internship:4 credits
- Job seeking:1 credit
- Diploma in Diesel Mechanics (66 credits, 99 hours)
- Repair and technical courses:53 credits
- General education:8 credits
- Internship:4 credits
- Job seeking:1 credit
- Online:$199/credit
- On-campus:$165/credit
Why study here?
- Options for online or in-classroom work
- Full introduction to repair of diesel engines
- An intensive internship prepares you for the workplace
- Includes a course on finding and keeping a job
- Higher cost per credit than other schools
Athens Technical College
Athens, GA
In addition to full courses in automotive repair, Athens Technical College offers various certifications in systems like Climate Control and Electrical/Electronic Systems. All are certified by NATEF. With a mix of full 2-year degree programs and individual certificates, it has a lot to offer for car technicians in all stages of their careers.
Included Programs
- Associate’s in Automotive Technology (44-46 credits)
- Diploma in Automotive Fundamentals (55 credits)
- Diploma in Automotive Technology (62-63 credits)
- Climate Control (14 credits)
- Chassis (17 credits)
- Electrical/Electronic Systems (9 credits)
- Engine Performance (16 credits)
- Engine Repair (15 credits)
- Transmission/Transaxle (18 credits)
- In-state:$2,794/year
- Out-of-state:$4,930/year
- Single credit:$363
Why study here?
- Multiple options for full degree programs
- System-specific certifications for those not interested in a full degree
- Flexible scheduling with both day and night classes
- Will need to invest 2+ years in obtaining Diploma or Associate’s
Pickens Technical College
Aurora, CO
Pickens Technical College doesn’t just prepare you to work as an automotive technician, but they also teach you how to go out and find a job. The program ends with a 3-week internship with the potential to lead straight into employment.
Included Programs
- Maintenance and Light Repair Certificate (27 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Service Technician Certificate (16 credits, one semester)
- Master Automotive Service Technician Certificate (17 credits, one semester)
- NATEF Automotive Service Technician Certificate (60 credits, four semesters)
Tuition: $1,600-$2,300/semester
Why study here?
- Emphasis on getting a job after school
- Affordable alternative to full AAT programs
- 2-year NATEF certificate is a full comprehensive program
- No Associate degree programs
Salina Tech
Salina, KS
The instructors at Salina Tech have over 30 years of experience working with cars. This depth of knowledge is what makes their program so effective. They focus on real-world and hands-on experience in transmission, electrical systems, and all the other crucial components of today’s vehicles.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology (68 credits, four semesters)
- Technical courses:53 credits
- General education:15 credits
- Technical Certificate in Automotive Technology (53 credits, four semesters)
- Technical courses of the AAS without the general education requirement
Tuition: $2,500/semester
Why study here?
- Impressive faculty with extensive real-world knowledge
- Gives students hands-on experience
- Offers both Associate Degree and Technical Certificate options
- Also offers an AAS in Auto Collision Repair
- The program can take up to 2.5 years to complete
- Not as much focus on finding employment
Sheldon, IA
As the school’s site says, this program studies cars from bumper to bumper. The inclusion of light-duty diesel right in the automotive coursework is helpful, which saves your time on additional certifications. The use of the latest technology and diagnostic tools also helps prepare students for real-world work.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science – Automotive and Light Duty Diesel Technology (78 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive courses:60 credits
- General education:12 credits
- Internship:6 credits
Tuition: $169-184/credit
Why study here?
- Makes use of the latest technology and tools
- Includes diesel engines in the main coursework
- Summer internships add to the hands-on experience
- Comprehensive system by system training
- Not as flexible for part-time students
- Relatively high per-credit cost
South Seattle College
Seattle, WA
The automotive repair program at South Seattle College is relatively small, offering only a single 1-year certification option. This focus lets it excel at what it does, though. If you want to quickly learn what you need to know for an entry-level repair position, you can do it here.
Included Programs
- Maintenance &Light Repair Certificate
- Steering/Suspension (4hrs)
- Tires/Wheel Alignment (4hrs)
- Brake Systems (7hrs)
- Engine Diagnosis (4hrs)
- Engine Rebuild (8hrs)
- Drivability (3hrs)
- Automotive Technology (9hrs)
- General Courses:15hrs
- Total Credits:54 (1 year)
- 1-10 credits:$285/credit
- 11-18 credits:$60/credit
Why study here?
- 1-year option for a full certification
- Relatively low cost per credit for full-time students
- No individual certifications
- No option for a full Associate’s
A video about South Seattle College
Alexandria, LA
The automotive repair program at Central Louisiana Technical Community College is straightforward and effective. All instruction is NATEF certified and designed to prepare you for the institute’s certification test. Since you can get a certificate after each semester, it’s a great choice if you’re not sure that you’ll complete a full 2- or 4-year program.
Included Programs
- Technical Diploma in Automotive Technology (60 credits)
- Electrical Technician (12 credits)
- Engine Performance Technician (15 credits)
- Steering, Suspension &Brake Technician (12 credits)
- Heating &Air Conditioning Technician (7 credits)
- Automatic Transmission &Transaxle Technician (7 credits)
- Manual Drive Train Technician (5 credits)
- Engine Technician (20 credits)
Tuition: $2,250/semester
Why study here?
- Option to complete full program or earn competency certificates each semester
- Competencies offered in all the major systems
- Full preparation in all aspects of automotive repair
- Learn about motorcycles, aircraft, and marine vessels as well as cars
- Not a full Associate program
- No internship or lab for true hands-on learning
Washburn Tech University
Topeka, KS
Washburn Tech offers a range of transportation training programs, from truck driving to collision repair and even locomotive diesel technology. Their faculty has a depth of knowledge you won’t find in other programs. You’ll learn the ins and outs of how car engines work at both an intellectual and a practical level. Graduates leave well-prepared for a variety of repair careers.
Included Programs
- Auto Service Technician Certificate (1-2 years)
- Engine courses:23 credits
- Transmission/transaxle:10 credits
- Steering/suspension:5 credits
- Brake systems:6 credits
- Electricity/Electronics:14 credits
- Heating and air-conditioning:4 credits
- Auto OJT:2 credits
Tuition: $2,100-$2,200/semester
Why study here?
- Nationally certified program
- Includes both classroom and hands-on learning
- Gain in-depth technical knowledge of engine operation and repair
- Can go on to complete a full AAS at Washburn University
- Includes certifications in a variety of systems
- The option of full-time or part-time coursework
- Doesn’t offer a full AAS program
Southwest Tech
Fennimore, WI
Here’s another program that will teach you all the basic servicing techniques you need to start a promising career as an auto technician. It’s definitely aimed at traditional students, with little in the way of scheduling flexibility.
Included Programs
- AAS – Automotive Technician (60 credits, two years)
Tuition: $136-$204/credit
Why study here?
- Occupational internships included in the coursework
- Courses like Workplace Communication make you a better employee
- All courses in the degree are focused on work as a repair technician
- Some financial aid is available
- No night-time classes
- The full-time two-year program is the only option
- Out-of-state tuition is steep
Norfolk, NB
The goal of Northeast Community College is to prepare students for entry-level positions as technicians in repair shops. They combine classroom and garage education to do this, and the program includes an internship for real-world training.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science – Automotive Technology (77 credits, two years)
- Automotive courses:66 credits
- General education:15-16 credits
- In-state:$99/credit
- Out-of-state:$139/credit
Why study here?
- The co-operative internship provides on the job experience
- Can transfer credits to a 4-year program
- Fully accredited to prepare you for certification tests
- The comparatively affordable program, especially for Nebraska residents
- Less scheduling flexibility
The University of West Alabama
Livingston, AL
You’ll get a pretty standard two-year college experience at the University of West Alabama. The program is designed for traditional students and has a larger general education component. If you’re especially interested in the engineering and technology behind car repair, you’ll love this program.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology (62 credits, four semesters)
- Engineering technology courses:42 credits
- General education:29 credits
- In-state:$8,450/year
- Out-of-space:$16,900/year
Why study here?
- A comprehensive education in automotive education
- The curriculum includes courses on industrial equipment
- The full degree program for a more well-rounded education
- Prepares you for a career in a dealership or repair shop
- More emphasis on classroom learning than hands-on work
- Will spend more of your time in general education courses
- Tuition cost is on the high side
Polk Education Pathways
Winter Park, FL
Polk Education Pathways is a relatively small school focusing entirely on the automotive sector. The Automotive Service Technology program run by Polk Education Pathways is designed to prepare students for entry-level jobs in the automotive repair sector. Taking the course makes you eligible to take an Automotive Service Excellence test approved by NATEF.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technology 1:
- Automobile Services Assistor (300hrs)
- Brake System (150hrs)
- Suspension/Steering (150hrs)
- Electrical/Electronic (300hrs)
- Engine Repair (150hrs)
- Automotive Service Technology 2:
- Engine Performance (300hrs)
- AT/Transaxle (150hrs)
- Manual Drivetrain and Axle (150hrs)
- Heating/Air Conditioning (150hrs)
- Total class hours:1,050 (AST 1), 750 (AST 2)
Tuition: $3,919/year
Why study here?
- Offers great hands-on experience
- Small school means more personal attention from faculty
- No full Associate’s Degree option
Pulaski Technical College
North Little Rock, Arkansas
The University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College is a student-centric institution, providing access to high-quality education in Central Arkansas. It has over 3,000 undergraduates and a 33% graduation rate. The college’s automotive training program is certified by NATEF/ASE and introduces students to entry-level automotive diagnosis and repair skills.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology (60 credits, four semesters)
- Technical Certificate in Automotive Technology (45 credits, three semesters)
- Certificate of Proficiency in Alternative Fuels (13 credits, one semester)
- Certificate of Proficiency in Tire Center Operator (6 credits, one semester)
- Tuition and fees:$4,013.00/year
- Total Cost In-State On-Campus:$5,213.00/year
- Total Cost Out-State On-Campus:$6,953.00/year
Why Study Here?
- The instructors are ASE certified with many years of experience
- Students can enroll at the beginning of any semester with sophomores and juniors and return the following year to complete the course
- Students only get a foundational knowledge of diagnosis and repair
- No manufacturer-specific training program
Ashworth College
Norcross, Georgia
Ashworth College began in 1987, and it offers online distance learning programs from its campus in Norcross, Georgia. Today it has over 300,000 alumni all around the world. Ashworth college’s automotive training programs are designed to allow you to learn at your own pace.
Included Programs
- Career Diploma in Automotive Technician ( 4 months – 1 year)
- Career Certificate in Automotive Automatic Transmissions ( up to 8 months)
- Career Certificate in Automotive Engine Performance (up to 8 months)
- Career Certificate in Automotive HVAC (up to 8 months)
- Career diploma course – $769/year
- Career certificate courses – $299/year
Why Study Here?
- Online classes with extensive learning resource and support for students
- Affordable tuition fees with options of a monthly payment
Norcross, Georgia
Ashworth College began in 1987, and it offers online distance learning programs from its campus in Norcross, Georgia. Today it has over 300,000 alumni all around the world. Ashworth college’s automotive training programs are designed to allow you to learn at your own pace.
Included Programs
- Career Diploma in Automotive Technician ( 4 months – 1 year)
- Career Certificate in Automotive Automatic Transmissions ( up to 8 months)
- Career Certificate in Automotive Engine Performance (up to 8 months)
- Career Certificate in Automotive HVAC (up to 8 months)
- Career diploma course – $769/year
- Career certificate courses – $299/year
Why Study Here?
- Online classes with extensive learning resource and support for students
- Affordable tuition fees with options of a monthly payment
Black River Technical College
Pocahontas, Arkansas
Black River Technical College has its main campus in Pocahontas and another campus in Paragould, both in Arkansas. It has a 33% graduation rate and enrolls approximately 3,000 students annually. The college’s small student-faculty ratio permits a productive learning relationship between students and instructors.
Included Programs
- Technical certificate – PowerTrain (34 credits, one year)
- Technical Certificate – Electrical Engine (34 credits, one year)
- In-State Resident – $96 per credit hour
- Out-of-State Resident – $189 per credit hour
Why Study Here?
- Students get practical training on the most modern diagnostic equipment
- Affordable fee per credit hour
- No AAS in Automotive Technology
University of Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska
The University of Alaska has three universities situated in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau, all in Alaska. The institution enrolls over 26,000 students, studying over 500 unique degrees, certificates, and endorsement programs.
Included Programs
- Undergraduate Certificate in Automotive Technology (49 credits, four semesters)
- Undergraduate Certificate in Diesel Power Technology (36-37 credits, three semesters)
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology, with options in General Automotive or General Motors ASEP (61 credits, four semesters)
- Associate of Applied Science in Diesel Technology (47-48 credits, four semesters)
- Fast Track Career Certificate in Automotive Specialist (16 credits, 1 or 2 semesters)
- Fast Track Career Certificate in Automotive Engine Performance (19 credits, two semesters)
- Resident – $234/credit hour
- Nonresident $800/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- Courses are modeled after corporate training programs and based on ASE certification standards.
- Small class sizes with a hands-on approach for teaching students
Montgomery, Alabama
Founded in 1961, Trenholm State Community College is a multi-campus college serving the river region of Alabama. It offers a wide range of associate degrees, certificates, and workforce training options.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Services (68 credits, six terms)
- Certificate in Automotive Service (54 credits, five terms)
- Certificate in Diesel Mechanics (44 credits, three terms)
- Certificate in Automotive Collision Repair (53 credits, five terms)
- Short Term Certificates in:
- Brakes/Steering/ Suspension (10 credits, two terms)
- Engine Performance (13 credits, two terms)
- Transmission (13 credits, two terms)
- Electrical/Electronic (13 credits, 2 terms)
- Engines (10 credits, two terms)
- Air Conditioning and Heating (10 credits, two terms)
- Automotive Collision Repair – Refinishing Concentration (28 credits, two terms)
- Automotive Collision Repair – Structural Repair Concentration (25 credits, two terms)
- Diesel mechanics (13 credits, one term)
Why Study Here?
- Emphasis on different specialties
- There are options to earn while you learn
- The program length may be longer due to enrollment in general education courses.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Shelton State Community College is a two-year institution with two campuses located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. It has over 7,000 full-time and part-time students enrolled in different programs and a 15% graduation rate.
Included Programs
- Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Service Technology (62-63 credit hours, six semesters)
- Certificate in Automotive Service Technology (53 credit hours, six semesters)
- Short-Term Certificate in Automotive Service Technology (24 credit hours, three semesters)
- Resident Students – $133/credit hour
- Non-resident Students – $266/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- Options for evening classes are available.
- Alternate degree completion pathway available for students resuming in a spring or summer semester
- No Snap-On certificates available
Mobile, Alabama
Located in Alabama, Bishop State Community College is a two-year college serving Mobile and Washington County residents. The institution has over 2,000 undergraduates and a graduation rate of 18%.
Its automotive technology programs prepare students to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair and maintain automobiles and reconstruct and finish external features.
Included Program
- Associate in Occupational Technologies in Automotive Body Technology, Automotive Technology (64-65 credit hours)
- Associate in Occupational Technologies in Automotive Body Technology, Diesel Technology (64-65 credit hours)
- Certificate in Automotive Technology (45-46 credit hours)
- In-State tuition – $133/credit
- Out-of-State tuition – $266/credit
Why Study Here?
- Offers programs that teach reconstruction and finishing of automobile bodies, fenders, and external features
- Options to transfer to a four-year school for further education.
- No manufacturer-specific training
- AAS in Automotive Service Technology (65 credits four semesters)
- AAS in Diesel Technology (65 credits 4-5 semesters)
- Certificate in Automotive Service Technology (55 credits, four semesters)
- Certificate in Diesel Technology (55 credits, four semesters)
- Short-Term Certificate in:
- Automotive Service Technology – Undercar/Chassis (24 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Service Technology – Underhood/Drivability Specialists (27 credits, two semesters)
- Diesel Technology – Preventive Maintenance Specialist (12 credits, one semester)
- Diesel Technology – Diesel Engine Specialist (12 credits, one semester)
- Diesel Technology – Transportation Trailer Technology (12 credits, one semester)
- Diesel Technology – Heavy Utility Vehicle Specialist (15 credits, one semester)
- Resident Students – $133/credit hour
- Non-resident Students – $266/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- The AST program has options for day and night classes.
- It offers a high job placement rate through a partnership with Mercedes-Benz.
- There’s an emphasis on a wide range of specialties.
Andalusia, Alabama
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College has campuses in Andalusia, Luverne, and Opp, all in South Central Alabama. This college has more than 1,200 undergraduates and maintains a graduation rate of 29%. At LBWCC trains, they train students to become auto mechanics through instructional classes, virtual vehicle experiences, and hands-on-work.
Included Programs
- Certificate in Automotive Mechanics (60 credits, four semesters)
- Short-Term Certificate in Automotive Mechanics (18 credits, one semester)
- AAS in Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics (71 credits, five semesters)
- Certificate in Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics (59 credits, four semesters)
- Short-Term Certificate in Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics (12 credits, one semester)
- In-State tuition – $133/credit
- Out-of-State tuition – $266/credit
Why Study Here?
- Offers practical training on auto mechanics
- Comprehensive curriculum
- No AAS in Automotive Mechanic
Mesa, Arizona
Mesa Community College has two campuses in Mesa, Arizona, and has over 40,000 students. MCC’s Automotive Service programs can prepare you for a career in automotive repair or collision repair and finishing.
Included Programs
- AAS in Caterpillar Technician Training (73-83 credits,
- Certificate of Completion in Automotive:
- Automatic Transmission and Transaxle (4 credits, one term)
- Brake Systems (4 credits, two terms)
- Chassis (16 credits, two terms)
- Drive Train (16 credits, two terms)
- Electrical, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems (11 credits, two terms)
- Electronic/Electrical Systems (8 credits, two terms)
- Engine Performance (8 credits, two terms)
- Engine Repair (4 credits, one term)
- Engine Repair and Performance (20 credits, two terms)
- Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems (3 credits, one term)
- Maintenance and Light Repair (16 credits, two terms)
- Manual DriveTrain and Axles (4 credits, one term)
- Service (44 credits, three terms)
- Steering and Suspension (4 credits, two terms)
- Maricopa County Resident – $85/credit hour
- Maricopa County Senior Resident (audit or credit) – $42.50/credit hour
- Out-of-County Resident – $441/credit hour
- Out-of-State Resident – Residing in Arizona – $326 per credit hour
Why Study Here?
- ASE certified program
- Offers competencies in all primary specialties.
- Option for a career path as a caterpillar technician
- Out-of-County and out-of-State resident tuition are steep.
Los Angeles Valley College
Valley Glen, Michigan
Los Angeles Valley College was established in 1949, a 105-acre urban place located just some minutes far away from Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and downtown Los Angeles. Valley College, one of the largest of the campuses in the Los Angeles Community College District, is certified by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, a part of the Western Associate of Schools and Colleges.
Included Programs
- Engineering Technology:Mechanical Engineering, AS (60 units)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology, CA (26 units)
- In-district:$46/unit
- Out-of-district:$282/unit
- International:$282/ unit + $25 SEVIS fee
Why Study Here
- Brand new EOPS Tutoring Center and Computer Lab
- An abundance of student online resources
- A wide variety of subjects with free tutoring and academic support services
- High tuition for students from another country in comparison with ones from their district
Skyline College
San Bruno, California
Skyline College is a public community college in San Bruno, California, with a graduation rate of 22%. It has an annual population of more than 17,000 students, participating in over 100 degrees and certificate programs.
Included Programs
- Associate in Science Degree in Automotive Technician (60 Units)
- Associate in Science Degree in Automotive Technology (60 Units)
- Certificate of Achievement in:
- Asian Engine Performance Technology (19 – 20 Units)
- Automotive Advanced Engine Performance Technology (19 – 20 Units)
- Automotive Chassis, Alignment and Brake Technology (19 – 20 Units)
- Automotive Drive Train Technology (19 – 20 Units)
- Automotive Electricity/Electronics (19 – 20 Units)
- Automotive Engine Performance Technology (19 – 20 Units)
- Automotive Engines Technology (19 – 20 Units)
Why Study Here?
- Partnerships with corporations like Audi, Nissan, and Subaru provide employment opportunities for students.
- Certified by the Automotive Service Excellence Education Foundation (ASEEF).
- The tuition cost is steep.
Yuba College
Marysville, California
Yuba College operates a main campus in Marysville and two educational centers in Linda and Yuba City. The school has a graduation retention rate of 26% and over 4,500 undergraduates.
Included Programs
- Associate in Science in:
- Master Mechanic (60 units)
- Tune-Up and Driveability (60 units)
- Auto Body and Repair(60 units)
- Certificate of Achievement in:
- Master Mechanic (42 units)
- Automotive Body Repair (18 units)
- Tune-Up and Driveability (28.5 units)
- Automotive Drive Trains (18 units)
Why Study Here?
- Provides entry-level skills and additional training for already-employed auto mechanics
- Certificates parallel the national voluntary mechanics testing program offered by ASE
- The only difference between the AS degrees and their CA counterparts is extra general education, multicultural, and health requirements.
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Barbara, California
Santa Barbara City College has three campuses in Santa Barbara, and it’s one of the oldest colleges in California. With a graduation rate of 28%, the institution offers a wide range of associate degrees, certificates, and transfer programs to its over 12,000 undergraduates.
Included Programs
- Associate in Science in Automotive Science and Technology (70.20-72.20 units, four semesters)
- Certificate of Achievement in Automotive Science and Technology (50.20-55.20 units, three semesters)
- California Residents – Enrollment fee of $46/unit
- Nonresident students and International students – $285 – $290/unit
Why Study Here?
- It’s an affordable program for California residents.
- An excellent combination of theory and practical work
- Doesn’t offer specialization in other aspects of automotive mechanics
Evergreen Valley College
San Jose, California
Evergreen Valley College is a community college in San Jose, California, with a graduation rate of 24% and serving over 7,000 students.
Included Programs
- Auto – Drivetrain and Chassis – Associate in Science (60.5 units)
- Auto – Drivetrain and Chassis – Certificate of Achievement (31.5 units)
- Auto – Electrical-Engine Performance – Associate in Science (66.5 units)
- Auto – Electrical-Engine Performance – Certificate of Achievement (32.5 units)
- Automotive Foundational Skills – Certificate of Specialization (10 units)
- Automotive Foundational Skills – Certificate of Achievement (13 units)
- Automotive Technology Smog Specialist – Certificate of Achievement (12.5 units)
- American Honda – Certificate of Achievement (35.5 units)
- Hybrid Electric Vehicle Maintenance And Repair – Certificate Of Specialization (11.5 units)
- Residents – Enrollment fee of $48/unit
- Nonresidents/international students – $288/unit
Why Study Here?
- The program provides all that you’ll need to become a certified service technician
- Offers intensive training programs with corporations like Honda and Tesla
- Non-residents and international student tuition is expensive
Evergreen Valley College
San Jose, California
Evergreen Valley College is a community college in San Jose, California, with a graduation rate of 24% and serving over 7,000 students.
Included Programs
- Auto – Drivetrain and Chassis – Associate in Science (60.5 units)
- Auto – Drivetrain and Chassis – Certificate of Achievement (31.5 units)
- Auto – Electrical-Engine Performance – Associate in Science (66.5 units)
- Auto – Electrical-Engine Performance – Certificate of Achievement (32.5 units)
- Automotive Foundational Skills – Certificate of Specialization (10 units)
- Automotive Foundational Skills – Certificate of Achievement (13 units)
- Automotive Technology Smog Specialist – Certificate of Achievement (12.5 units)
- American Honda – Certificate of Achievement (35.5 units)
- Hybrid Electric Vehicle Maintenance And Repair – Certificate Of Specialization (11.5 units)
- Residents – Enrollment fee of $48/unit
- Nonresidents/international students – $288/unit
Why Study Here?
- The program provides all that you’ll need to become a certified service technician
- Offers intensive training programs with corporations like Honda and Tesla
- Non-residents and international student tuition is expensive
Palomar College
San Marcos, California
Palomar College has its main campus in San Marcos and satellite campuses in Escondido, Fallbrook, and San Diego. It has over 21,000 undergraduate students and a 27% graduation rate.
Included Programs
- Associate of Science Degrees in:
- Auto Collision Repair (60 units Minimum)
- Auto Chassis and Drive Lines (60 units Minimum)
- Electronic Tune-Up and Computer Control Systems (60 units Minimum)
- Mechanics – General (60 units Minimum)
- Certificates of Achievement in:
- Auto Collision Repair (21 units)
- Auto Chassis and Drive Lines (27 units)
- Electronic Tune-Up and Computer Control Systems (30-31 units)
- Mechanics – General (33 units)
- In-State:Enrollment fee of $46/unit
- Nonresidents/International:$265-290/unit
Why Study Here?
- Morning and evening classes available
- Internship and job placement programs available
- Tuition is expensive for non-residents/International students
Hartnell College
Salinas, California
Hartnell College’s main campus is situated in downtown Salinas, while its satellite campuses are in King City and Salinas’s Alisal district. It enrolls more than 11,000 students and has a graduation rate of 21%.
Included Programs
- Associate of Science in Advanced Automotive Technology (65 units)
- Associate of Science in Advanced Diesel Technology (65 units)
- California residents:$46 per unit enrollment
- Non-Residents/international students:$286 per unit (plus enrollment fee)
Why Study Here?
- An in-depth training program
- Helps you develop skills required for placement in the automotive industry
- Snap-on certifications available
- No certification courses available
IntelliTec College
Colorado Springs, Colorado
IntelliTec College Colorado campuses are located in Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, and Pueblo. It also has a fourth campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The college’s Colorado Springs campus has a graduation rate of 56% and over 500 students.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technician- Associate of Occupational Degree (99 units, 19.5 months)
- Automotive Technician- Certificate (59 credits, 15 months)
- Certificate:$25,416
- AOS:$37,323
Why Study Here?
- Various ASE and snap-on certifications available
- Options to learn light diesel engine repair and design high-performance engines in some campuses
- Day and night classes available
- The certificate course is lengthy
Chipola College
Marianna, Florida
Chipola College is a public community college in Marianna, Florida, and a host to over 1,000 undergraduate students. The college has a graduation rate of 47% and offers certificate, 2-year, and 4-year programs.
Included Programs
- Certificate in Automotive Service Technology (1,800 hours)
- Florida Residents:$2.55/clock hour
- Alabama and Georgia Residents:$2.56/clock hour
- Other Non-Florida Residents:$9.21/clock hour
Why Study Here?
- A competency-based self-paced program with open entry
- Prepares students for specialized training and employment in the automotive industry
- Night classes are offered by special appointment
- No AAS degree available
- Not enough variety of specialties
Lorenzo Walker Technical College
Naples, Florida
Established in 1974, Lorenzo Walker Technical College is a part of the School Board of Collier County and is based in Naples, Florida. The college enrolls over 700 students and has a graduation rate of 86%. Its automotive program prepares students for entry-level skills in the automotive industry.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technology Certificate (1,800 hours)
- Automotive Collision Technology Technician certificate (1,400 hours)
Why Study Here?
- The AST program covers all eight areas of specialization of ASE.
- Accredited by National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF)
- No evening or online classes available
- No AAS program
- Not much variety of specialization
Elgin, Illinois
Elgin Community College was established in 1949 as part of the Elgin Area School District U46 and is located centrally between Chicago and Rockford. The college offers various associate degrees, certificates, and transfer programs to its over 7,000 undergraduates. It also has a graduation rate of 32%.
Included Programs
- AAS in Automotive Service Technology (68-69 credit hours, four semesters)
- Basic Certificates in:
- Auto Heating &Air Conditioning BVS (5 credit hours)
- Automotive Electrical Specialist (10 credit hours)
- Brake and Suspension Specialist (10 credit hours)
- Engine Mechanical Repair Specialist (7 credit hours)
- Engine Performance Specialist (14 credit hours)
- Transmission &Drivetrain Specialist (12 credit hours)
- In-District Resident:$132/credit hour
- Out-of-District Resident:$297/credit hour
- Out-of-State &International Resident:$396/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- The program equips students in all phases of automotive maintenance work for all types of vehicles
- Certificate options available to build specialty skills
- Expensive tuition, especially for international students
- No manufacturer-specific program available
City Colleges of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
The City Colleges of Chicago are seven community colleges providing learning opportunities for citizens of the Chicago area. These colleges have a total of over 28,000 students and between 15%-32% graduation rates.
Include Program
- Automotive Technology, AAS (66 credit hours)
- Automotive Technology, Advanced Certificate (46 credit hours)
- Automotive Technology, Basic Certificate (20 credit hours)
- Automotive Fuel Management Technology, Basic Certificate (27 credit hours)
- Automotive Maintenance, Basic Certificate (27 credit hours)
- Automotive Body Reconstruction Technology, Basic Certificate (22 credit hours)
- Automotive Body Repainting Technology, Basic Certificate (22 credit hours)
- Automotive Chassis Maintenance, Basic Certificate (19 credit hours)
- Collision Technology, Advanced Certificate (40 credit hours)
- In-District:$146/credit hour
- Out-of-District:$384/credit hour
- Out-of-State/ International:$481/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- Offers training in all eight areas of ASE
- Program modification available for part-time students
- Options for short duration courses
- Relatively expensive high cost per credit hour
Ankeny, Iowa
Besides its main campus in Ankeny, Des Moines Area Community College has 12 other campuses and centers in Iowa. It enrolls more than 11,000 students in its degrees, diplomas, and certificate programs. The institution also has a 25% rate of graduation.
Included Programs
- Automotive Mechanics Technology, AAS (76 credits, five semesters)
- Auto Engines &Tune-Up, Diploma (45 credits, three semesters)
- Auto Chassis &Power Train, Diploma (40 credits, three semesters)
- Automotive Maintenance &Light Repair Technology, Diploma (44 credits, three semesters)
- Residents:$170/credit
- Non-residents:$340/credit
Why Study Here?
- A comprehensive training program that covers all aspect of automotive repair
- Diploma students may receive an AAS degree upon completion of additional courses
- No manufacturer or dealership training program
- The complete program only offered on one campus
Waterloo, Iowa
Hawkeye Community College has a main campus in Waterloo and six outlying centers throughout the Cedar Valley. There are over 3,000 undergraduates at Hawkeye, and the college has a graduation rate of 33%.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (76 credits, four semesters)
- Auto Collision Technology, AAS (80 credits, five semesters)
- Resident:$201/credit hour
- Non-resident:$226/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- It allows for a transfer of coursework to the University of Northern Iowa.
- Students can earn a diploma after completing the first year of Auto Collision Technology.
- No specialization courses in Automotive Technology
- No online or night classes available
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Kirkwood Community College has its main campus in Iowa City and eight other regional and county centers. The college has over 8,000 students registered in more than 130 programs and a graduation rate of 26%.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (72 credits, five terms)
- Entry-Level Automotive Technology, Diploma (32 credits, two terms)
- Fundamentals of Automotive Technology, Certificate (15 credits, one term)
- Advanced Chassis, Certificate (12 credits, 3 Terms)
- Advanced Drivetrain, Certificate (12 credits, four terms)
- Advanced Powertrain, Certificate (12 credits, two terms)
- Automotive Collision Repair, Diploma (44 credits, three terms)
- Automotive Technology &Collision Repair – Career Academy Course (1 year)
- Iowa Residents:$180/credit hour
- Out-of-State:$237/credit hour
- International:$360/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- It offers an opportunity for high school students to earn college credits
- The Automotive Technology program is Master Certified by NATEF
- Certified Snap-on certificate center
- Tuition for international students is a bit expensive
College of Western Idaho
Nampa, Idaho
College of Western Idaho has campuses in Nampa and Boise and offers classes at different locations throughout the Treasure Valley. It serves over 6,000 students and has a graduation rate of 24%. CWI offers associate degrees and certificates online and on-campus.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (65 credits, two years)
- Automotive Technology, ATC (59 credits, two years)
- Automotive Technology, ITC (35 credits, one year)
- Auto Body Technology, ATC (57 credits, two years)
- Auto Body Technology, ITC (33 credits, one year)
- Auto Body Technology, BTC1 (24 credits, one year)
- Auto Body Technology, BTC2 (34 credit hours, one year)
- In-District:$139/credit
- Out-of-District:$189/credit
- Out-of-State/International:$306/credit
Why Study Here?
- It includes courses in diesel technology
- It covers the eight aspects of ASE
- No Specialization courses available
- No manufacturer-specific training available
College of Eastern Idaho
Idaho Falls, Idaho
College of Eastern Idaho was founded in 1969 and currently has over 1,000 students attending its in-person and online classes. The institution has a graduation rate of 31% and offers degrees and certificate programs.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (69 credits, 29 months)
- Heavy Diesel Technology, AAS (69 credits, 29 months)
- Automotive Technology, ATC (54 credits, 24months)
- Automotive Technology, ITC (30 credits, 12 months)
- Heavy Diesel Technology, ATC (54 credits, 24 months)
- Heavy Diesel Technology, ITC (30 credits, 12 months)
- Light Diesel, AAS (69 credits, 29 months)
- Light Duty Diesel, ATC (54 credits, 24 months)
- Bonneville County residents:$129/credit
- Out-of-District residents:$179/credit
- Out-of-State residents:$258/credit
Why Study Here?
- A variety of certifications in Automotive and Diesel technology
- It offers up-to-date technology training using the latest competency-based curriculum
- No hands-on practical experience with vehicle manufacturers
- The AAS program has a long duration
Vincennes University
Vincennes, Indiana
Established in 1801, Vincennes University is a public school situated along the banks of the Wabash River. There are also campuses and learning centers in Jasper, Fort Branch, and Indianapolis.
It has over 6,000 students and a 25% graduation rate. The institution’s automotive technology training program allows students to focus on collision repair, automotive service, or diesel.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AS (60 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Service Technology, Certificate (30 credits, two semesters)
- Collision Repair and Refinishing, AS (60 credits, four semesters)
- Auto Body Repair, Certificate (31 credits, two semesters)
- Diesel Technology with options in General Study, John Deere Ag-Tech Concentration, or John Deere Consumer &Commercial Equipment Concentration (C&CE) (60 credits, four semesters each)
- Diesel Service Technology, Certificate (33 credits, two semesters)
- Indiana Residents:$191.42/credit
- Illinois Residents and Out-of-State:$475.78/credit
Why Study Here?
- Lessons are taught in small-size classes that allow for intimate, hands-on training
- The College of Technology partners with corporations such as Toyota and Subaru to bring valuable educational and professional opportunities to its students.
- Graduates can transfer to a Baccalaureate Degree Program.
- No Snap-on certificates available
Scooba, Mississippi
East Mississippi Community College is located in Scooba and serves six counties in East Mississippi. There are over 3,000 graduates in EMCC, where the graduation rate is 36%. The college offers its Automotive Technology program from its other campus in Mayhew.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (66 semester hours, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology, Vocational Certificate (34 semester hours, two semesters)
- Diesel Mechanics, Certificate (33 semester hours, two semesters)
- In-State:$165/credit hour
- Out-of-State:$265/credit hour
Why Study Here?
- Certificate in Automotive Technology is for nine months only
- There are discounted tuition rates for 15-19 credit hours
- There are no specialization courses
Senatobia, Mississippi
Northwest Mississippi Community College has over 7,000 undergraduates in its three campuses in Senatobia, Southaven, and Oxford. NMCC has a 36% graduation rate. Its Automotive Technology program is accredited by NATEF and ASE and provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills for entry-level automobile positions.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS, with options in Chrysler MOPAR College Automotive Program (70-71 semester hours, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology, CC (37-38 semester hours, two semesters)
- Automotive Technology, TC (55-56 semester hours, four semesters)
Why Study Here?
- Offers training in the eight areas of ASE
- Students can co-op with a Chrysler, Dodge, or Jeep dealership to learn late-model technology.
- Discounted tuition rates for 15-21 credit hours
- No specialization courses available
Raymond, Mississippi
Hinds Community College has over 10,000 undergraduate students across its six campuses. It provides transfer, two-year degree, vocational, short-term training, and secondary education programs.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (62-63 credits)
- Automotive Technology, TC (47 credits)
- Automotive Technology, VC (32 credits)
- Automotive Machinist Technology, AAS (61-62 credits)
- Automotive Machinist Technology, TC (46 credits)
- Automotive Machinist Technology, VC (30 credits)
- In-State:$1,600/semester (additional $250/credit for 22 credits and above)
- Out-of-State Students:$3,125,semester (additional $250/credit for 22 credits and above)
Why Study Here?
- Provides knowledge and skills in all eight areas of ASE/NATEF certification
- Automotive Technology program is offered in four campus
- No specialization courses in Automotive mechanics
Meridian, Mississippi
Meridian Community College is located in downtown Meridian, next to the Meridian Campus of Mississippi State University. With a 32% graduation rate, MCC has over 3,000 students who offer various technical, medical, theatrical, and art courses.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, Certificate (33 semester hours, two semesters)
- Mississippi Residents:$1,612/semester
- Out-of-State:$2,512/semester
Why Study Here?
- Prepares you with entry-level skills and for a career as an auto mechanic
- Teaching instructions covers five areas of ASE/NATEF certifications
- High schools students can earn dual credits
- No AAS degree in Automotive Technology
- Lack of variety of program
Jones County Junior College
Ellisville, Mississippi
Jones County Junior College is a two-year institution serving Ellisville and eight other counties. There are over 3,000 undergraduate students registered in its associate, certificates, and workforce credentials program. The college has a graduation rate of 25%.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AS (68 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology, TC (53 credits, four semesters)
- Light Duty Diesel, TC (44 credits, three semesters)
- In-State:$125/semester hour
- Out-of-State:$330/semester hour
Why Study Here?
- Designed to prepare students for employment in the automotive service industry
- Certificate option in light-duty diesel available
- There’s a discounted tuition fee for 15-19 credit hours
- No manufacturer-specific training programs
Western Nevada College
Carson City, Nevada
Besides its main campus in Carson City, Western Nevada College has additional campuses in Fallon and Minden. Over 2,000 undergraduates are offering the school’s bachelor, associates, and certificate programs. The college has a graduation rate of 17%
Included Programs
- Automotive Mechanics, AAS (60 units, four semesters)
- Automotive Mechanics, CE (31 units, two semesters)
- Certifications in:
- Automotive Transmission/Transaxle (10 units)
- Automotive Engine Repair (10 units)
- Automotive Heating &Air Conditioning (10 units)
- Automotive Maintenance &Light Repair (11 units)
- Automotive Manual Transmission &Transaxle (10 units)
- Brake Technician (11 units)
- Electrical Technician (11 units)
- Steering &Suspension Technician (11 units)
- Engine Performance Technician (11 units)
- Automotive Collision Repair (12 units)
- Resident; $109.78/credit
- Nonresident:$7,686/year
Why Study Here?
- Teaches manual, hands-on skills required in the automotive industry
- Offers specialization in each different areas of ASE
- Expensive tuition for non-residents
- No specific training with manufacturing outfits
College of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada
College of Southern Nevada is the largest college in Nevada and has over 29,000 students. CSN has a graduation rate of 12% and offers both on-campus and online lessons. It offers a variety of Automotive Technology courses with certificates and associate degrees.
Included Programs
- Auto Maintenance and Light Repair, CA (32 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Diagnostic Specialist, CA (32 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Performance Technician, AAS (60 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Alternative Fuels and Hybrid Technician, AAS (60 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Heavy Line Specialist, CA (31 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Service Technician, AAS (62 credits)
- Collision Repair, CA (37 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Master Technician, AAS (74 credits)
- Automotive Technology:Collision Repair, AAS (60 credits)
- Residents:$106.75/credit
- Nonresidents:$3,738.50/semester
Why Study Here?
- It offers a variety of programs across the automotive industry
- Some programs provide Nevada Class 1G smog certification
- The program might be expensive for non-residents
MotoRing Technical Training Institute
Seekonk, Massachusetts
MotoRing Technical Training Institute was founded in 1985 as a workforce development program, and it has less than 100 students. MTTI’s graduation rate is 88%, and it offers personalized training to its students.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technician, Diploma (24-30.5 credits, seven months)
- $16,150 (including uniform)
Why Study Here?
- It offers both day and night classes
- It focuses on short-term intensive training
- Opportunity to complete an internship in the automotive industry
- It provides placement assistance to gain employment
- No variety of programs
- No AAS certification
Montana State University-Northern
Havre, Montana
Located in Havre, Montana, Montana State University is a small university with less than 1,200 students and a 41% graduation rate. Its college of technical sciences offers a range of degree and non-degree programs centered on ASE certification standards.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, BS (120 credits)
- Diesel Technology, BS with options in Equipment Management or Field Maintenance (120 credits)
- Automotive Technology, AAS (68 credits), with an option for Fast Track (62 Credits)
- Diesel Technology, AAS (66 credits)
- Diesel Technology, Certificate (35 credits)
- Diesel Technology, Minor (25 credits)
- Agriculture Mechanics Technology, AAS (71 credits)
- Agriculture Mechanics Technology, Minor (29 credits)
- Automotive Technology, Minor (29 credits)
- Ford Maintenance and Light Repair, Certificate
- Residents:$289.27/credit
- Nonresidents:$818.85/credit
- WUE and Canadians:$387.53
Why Study Here?
- Offers a Bachelor’s degree
- There’s a fast track option that allows you to get an AAs degree in half the time
- The college of Technical Sciences partners with Ford to provide career opportunities for student
- Offers an automotive program that focuses on agricultural equipment
Autry Technology Center
Enid, Oklahoma
Autry Technology Center is one of the 29 CareerTech schools across Oklahoma. This institution has over 25 career programs, offering a wide variety of evening and weekend short-term courses and certifications. Every year, it enrolls almost 13,000 students.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, Certificate (1,050 hours)
- Collision Repair Technology, Certificate (1,050 hours)
- Power Product Technology, Certificate (1,050 hours)
- In-District:$1,050/semester
- Out-of-District:$2,100/semester
Why Study Here?
- ASE-certified training program
- It offers a range of certificates like Snap-On Meter Certification, Forklift Safety, etc.
- It offers post-secondary programs and degrees with Cowley County Community College
- Tuition is free for in-district high school students
- It doesn’t offer any degree program
Pioneer Technology Center
Ponca City, Oklahoma
Pioneer Technology Center offers a 10-month extended Automotive Service Technology Program, which is ideal for students looking for a faster route to becoming auto mechanics than the conventional two to the four-year study period. The institution has a population of over 10,000 students, with a graduation rate of 73%. Courses and certifications at Pioneer Technology Center are also NATEF-compliant and ASE-certified.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technician
- In-district:$1,838
- In-state:$3,675
- Out-of-state:$7,350
Why Study Here?
- NATEF-compliant and ASE-certified courses and certifications
- Accelerated pathway to employment through the ten-month long study program
- Completing the course equips the student for up to 12 ASE certifications
- The degree program does not involve a work-learning period with a manufacturer-specific sponsored dealership
- Only one program option available, with no provision for students who would like to earn as AAS or BS
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Community College of Allegheny County prepares students for a career in the automobile industry through its two-year Automotive Technology Program. The school also offers a manufacturer-certified degree and paid-on-the-job apprenticeship program with area dealerships. It has a student population of over 16,000 individuals, with a graduation rate of 18%.
Included Programs
- ASEP/ASSET/CAP Manufacturer Automotive Technology Program, AS (507.3) (66-67 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology Program, AS (349.3) (68-69 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology Program Certificate (350.3) (50 credits, four semesters)
- In-county:$1,740
- Out-of-county:$3,480
- Out-of-state:$5,220
Why Study Here
- Manufacturer-certified paid-on-the-job program and apprenticeship with area dealerships, such as General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler, LLC
- NATEF-certified programs taught by ASE Certified Master Technicians
- Practical training in the latest automobile green technologies, including plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles
- Extensive curriculum to prepare students for the Pennsylvania Safety and Emission Inspection licensing and Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification test
- Available programs require two years of study, with no shorter options for students seeking quicker routes into the workforce
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Established in 1905, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is a residential two-year technical college with a population of over 1,300 students. The school offers 24 technical degree programs, including automotive technology. The course features an extensive curriculum that prepares students for the ASE automotive tests and Pennsylvania Auto Safety Inspection Certificate.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (75 credits, four semesters)
Why Study Here
- Extensive curriculum covering the understanding and operation of the latest automotive and diagnostic technology, including digital storage lab scopes and chassis dynamometer
- Prepares students for ASE automotive test series, Pennsylvania Auto Safety Inspection Certificate, and Pennsylvania Emissions Tester Certificate
- Requires all students to be residents of Pennsylvania before application
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania College of Technology, otherwise called Penn College, offers several automotive program options for students who hold dreams of a career in the automotive industry. The options include Automotive Technology Management, Automotive Service Sales and Marketing, Automotive Technology, Automotive Technology:Honda PACT, Automotive Service Technician Certificate, and Aftermarket Performance Specialist Competency Credential. The school has a population of about 5,000 students, with a graduation rate of 43.1%.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology Management, BS (126 credits, eight semesters)
- Automotive Technology Management Online, BS (126 credits, eight semesters)
- Automotive Service Sales and Marketing, AAS (63 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology (AAS, 69 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology:Honda Pact, AAS (68 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Service Technician Certificate (63 credits, four semesters)
- Aftermarket Performance Specialist Competency Credential (11 credits)
- In-state:$587/credit
- Out-of-state:$839/credit
Why Study Here
- Specialized training on Honda and Acura Vehicles under the Automotive Technology:Honda Pact Program, with eight weeks of classes and eight weeks of paid internship
- All students under the Automotive Technology Management Online Program get in-state tuition rates
- Latest automobile equipment and specialized laboratories available to students
- Classroom and laboratory sessions combine hands-on expertise of automotive systems with real-world business and management practices
- Tuition is quite expensive, especially for out-of-state students
Memphis, Tennessee
The automotive degree course at Southwest Tennessee Community College is a non-manufacturer specific program structured to equip students with the core skills to thrive as entry-level technicians in the automobile industry. The course brings together a background of mathematics, English, and social science with comprehensive classroom and hands-on laboratory sessions based on the latest automotive technology. Southwest Tennessee Community College has a student population of nearly 10,000 individuals, with a graduation rate of 11%.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technology, AAS (60 credits, four semesters)
- In-state:$168.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$692/credit
Why Study Here
- Equips students with in-depth entry-level capabilities to function across all automotive car dealerships and establishments
- Brand-specific, manufacturer-trained instructors with comprehensive knowledge based on industry standards
- The degree program isn’t as specialized as found elsewhere. It focuses only on entry-level automotive repair skill-set.
El Paso, Texas
El Paso Community college is the leading academic institution for Hispanic students in America and the fastest-growing community college in Texas. It serves a population of over 28,000 students across its five campuses. The school also offers a two-year Automotive Technology Program, with a curriculum specialized in equipping students with the latest entry-level skills in the automobile industry.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology (60 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology – One Year (18 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Technology – Two Year (36 credits, four semesters)
- Driveability Technician
- In-state:$$116.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$$201.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Offers a distance learning degree program for students who cannot make regular classroom sessions
- Associate of Applied Science Degree certificate options offers students alternate exit points
- Degree program only limited to entry-level automotive technician skill-set
South Texas College
McAllen, Texas
With over 30,000 students spread across its five campuses, plus a virtual campus, South Texas College is a public community college established to serve the entire Hidalgo and Starr County. The institution offers four automotive technology programs, including a specialized option with a General Motors dealership.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology Certificate (38 credits, three semesters)
- Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Certificate (17 credits, one semester)
- Automotive Technology, AAS (60 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology Specialization:GM-ASEP (Automotive Service Educational Program), AAS (60 credits, four semesters)
- In-district:$77.00/credit
- Out-of-district:$87.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$200/credit
Why Study Here
- Offers AAS program with General Motors apprenticeship to broaden student’s experience beyond the classroom
- Alternative certificate options for students who want a shorter pathway to the automotive industry
- One may need to spend more money on tools and equipment and pay additional fees for workshops
Eastern Maine Community College
Bangor, Maine
Eastern Maine Community College is the second most highly-rated automotive institution in the State of Maine. The school boasts of a 72-acre campus, home to its over 1,200 students spread across the 30 one and two-year degree programs on offer. The Automotive Technology Program at EMCC is also NC3 and ASE-accredited, with a practical and theoretical curriculum encompassing Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Chrysler, and Ram technologies.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (65 credits, four semesters)
- In-state:$94.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$188.00/credit
Why Study Here
- NC3 and ASE accredited Automotive Technology Degree Program, with curriculum covering all eight aspects of automotive maintenance and repair
- Students get the opportunity to work with major automotive brands, including Chrysler, Fiat, Jeep, and Dodge
- Students immediately become Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP), level one certified technicians after their degree program, opening up opportunities to work with a Mopar dealership
- A fully-equipped on-campus shop to provide students hands-on experience with automobile equipment alongside theoretical classroom knowledge
- Only the one-degree program available, with no certificate option for students who want a faster study route
Calais, Maine
Washington County Community College’s 400-acre campus is home to about 500 students, with a graduation rate of 39.9%. The school offers an intensive one-year Automotive Technology Program, among its other degree options. While the program isn’t the most comprehensive automotive technology program you’ll find, it equips students with the necessary skills to solve automobile problems while keeping up with industry trends.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology Certificate (34 credit hours, two semesters)
- In-state:$3552
- Out-of-state:$7104
Why Study Here
- An intensive shop-oriented program designed to equip students with the essential skill-set to identify, repair, and maintain automotive equipment.
- Despite being intensive, the degree program only deals with the basic skill-set needed to repair and maintain automotive equipment.
Omaha, Nebraska
The largest post-secondary educational institution in the State of Nebraska, Metropolitan Community College offers over 100 degree programs across several disciplines, including four options in automotive technology. The school serves a student population of around 25,000 individuals, with a 16.7% graduation rate.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology (ATMAS) (105.5 credits)
- Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (ATMCA) (49.5 credits)
- Automotive Technician Assistant (ATTCC) (24 credits)
- Automotive Under-Vehicle Specialist (ATVCC) (36 credits)
- In-state:$66.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$99.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Automotive Technology Program is ASE Education Foundation Master-Level Accredited and a Caps Local and NC3-partnered program
- Has degree options for standard and advanced entry-level automotive skill-sets alongside an Associate in Applied Science Degree program
- Combines training in automotive technology with real-life critical thinking and human relations skills
- Tuition is relatively cheap
- No manufacturer-specific apprenticeship
San Juan College
Farmington, New Mexico
San Juan College serves a student body of over 12,000 students spread across its three campuses. The institution offers a host of automotive technology degree programs, including individual industry-specific options for General Motors, Chrysler, Toyota, and Honda. These programs come with immediate employment for participants with the dealership where they completed their programs.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology Chrysler -MOPAR College Automotive Program (MCAP) (64-65 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology, AAS (62-63 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology Certificate (49-52 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology – GM Automotive Service Education Program (ASEP) (64-65 credits, Four Semesters)
- Automotive Technology – Honda Motors Professional Automotive Career Training (PACT) (64-65 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology – Toyota Technician Training Education Network (T-TEN) (64-65 Credits, four semesters)
- In-state:$52/credit
- Out-of-state:$164/credit
Why Study Here
- Extensive automotive technology degree programs, including industry-specific options with top automobile manufacturers such as Toyota, Honda, and Chrysler
- Paid internship followed by immediate employment with sponsored dealership upon completion of the preferred program
- Latest vehicles, diagnostic equipment, automotive components, and instructional materials for learning across all degree programs
- Available options require two years/four semesters to complete, with no provision for a shorter pathway into the workforce
Kingston, North Carolina
Lenoir Community College has an extensive list of automotive technology degree programs, with as many as eight options available to students. The list’s top choice is the two-year Automotive Systems Technology Program, followed by a one-year Automotive Systems Technology diploma. There are also two-semester certificate options Auto Electronics, Engine Performance, and General Automotive Servicing. Lenoir Community College has a student population of over 1,200 individuals and a graduation rate of 8.8 percent.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technology, AAS (70 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Service Technology Diploma (47 credits)
- Auto Electronics Certificate (13 credits)
- Automotive Skills Certificate, CTE (15 credits)
- Basic Automotive Certificate (12 credits)
- Engine Performance Certificate (14 credits)
- General Automotive Servicing, CTE (12 credits)
- Introductory Automotive Servicing Certificate (14 credits)
- In-state:$76.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$268.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Comprehensive automotive technology degree programs, with AAS, diploma, and certificate options
- Coursework includes Mobile Equipment Maintenance and Repair to equip students with knowledge on the transportation sector’s theories and technologies and prepare them for opportunities in the field, alongside the automotive industry.
- Despite having comprehensive degree programs, none of the options involve a manufacturer-specific apprenticeship
Raleigh, North Carolina
North Carolina Community Colleges, also called the North Carolina Community College System, is a network of over 50 community colleges in Carolina. It is the third most extensive network of its kind in the United States of America, with an annual enrollment of 700,000 students. NCCC provides the curriculum standard and tuition guidelines for higher learning institutions registered under it. Automotive technology programs for colleges in the system include:
- Automotive Systems Technology (AAS, diploma, and certificate).
- Automotive Customizing Technology (AAS, diploma, and certificate).
- Automotive Light-Duty Diesel Technology (Diploma).
- Automotive Restoration Technology (Diploma).
Included Programs
- Automotive Systems Technology, AAS (64-76 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Systems Technology Diploma (36-48 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Systems Technology Certificate (12-18 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Customizing Technology, AAS (64-76 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Customizing Technology Diploma (36-48 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Customizing Technology Certificate (12-18 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Light-Duty Diesel Technology Diploma (12-18 semester credit hours)
- Automotive Restoration Technology Diploma (12-18 semester credit hours)
- Average in-state tuition for colleges in the system:$3,911 per year
- Average out-of-state tuition for in the system:$9,514 per year
Why Study Here
- Different alternative program options with numerous community colleges within the system for students to choose from
- Some colleges under NCCC do not have any automotive technology programs
Klamath Community College
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Klamath Community College serves residents of Klamath and Lake County in the South Central Oregon area. The school has a population of over 1,500 students and offers associate degree and certificate programs, with two available options in automotive technology.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (95 credits)
- Automotive Technician – Electrical/Electronic Specialist Career Pathways Certificate (12 credits)
- In-state:$105.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$178.00/credit
- International student:$211.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Coursework equips students in all eight areas of ASE certification
- Alternative certificate option gives students a faster route from study to employment
- The Automotive Technician certificate program prepares students for ASE T6 (Electrical/Electronic Systems) test
- The school does not offer a manufacturer-specific program or apprenticeship with a sponsored dealership
Bend, Oregon
With its seven campuses, including its 200-acre main campus, Central Oregon Community College is one of the highly-rated community colleges in the entire of Central Oregon. The school offers 78 degree programs, including over 14 certificate career pathway options in automotive technology. The programs are NATEF-certified.
Included Programs
- Automotive Basic Skills with Basic Engine Performance – Career Pathway Certificate of Completion (CPCC) (13 credits)
- Automotive Basic Skills with Welding (CPCC) (14 credits)
- Automotive Controller Systems Technician Level 1 (CPCC) (35 credits)
- Automotive Controller Systems Technician Level 2 (CPCC) (39 credits)
- Automotive Drive Train Technician (CPCC) (22 credits)
- Automotive Electrical Technician Basic (CPCC) (16 credits)
- Automotive Electrical Technician Advanced (CPCC) (20 credits)
- Automotive Engine Performance Technician (CPCC) (29 credits)
- Automotive Engine Technician (CPCC) (17 credits)
- Automotive Heating &Air Conditioning Technician (CPCC) (19 credits)
- Automotive Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) Technician – Level 1 (CPCC) (35 credits)
- Automotive Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) Technician – Level 2 (CPCC) (39 credits)
- Automotive Management AAS (98-105 credits)
- Automotive Technology in Electronics and Diagnostics AAS (96-103 credits)
- Clean Energy Diesel Technician Advanced (CPCC) (35 credits)
- Master Automotive Technician – Two Year Certificate of Completion (CC2) (74-79)
- Undercar Technician (CPCC) (17 credits)
- In-district:$109/credit
- Non-resident veteran:$131/credit
- Out-of-district/border state:$153/credit
- Out-of-state/international students:$318/credit
Why Study Here
- Comprehensive list of degree options covering essential skill-set necessary to handle automotive problems in a wide range of vehicles, including hybrid and electric vehicles
- Adequately equips students for a wide range of automotive certification tests, including NATEF and all eight levels of Master ASE certification
- Degree programs are relatively short, giving students a faster route into the industry
- Lack of a manufacturer-specific program or apprenticeship with a sponsored dealership
Oregon City, Oregon
Clackamas Community College serves its over 20,000 students across three campuses and two extension centers. For the 2018-19 academic year, it had a graduation rate of 29.6. CCC offers an associate degree program in automotive technology, among other certificate options in the same field.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technology, AAS (94-95 credits)
- Under Hood Technician, CC (44 credits)
- Under Car Technician – Manual Transmission, CC (40 credits)
- Under Car Technician – Automatic Transmission, CC (40 credits)
- Entry-level Welding Technician (21-22 credits)
- In-state:$108/credit
- Out-of-state:$274/credit
Why Study Here
- Alternate certificate options provide students with a faster route into employment, with programs as short as nine months
- Coursework prepares students for several ASE certifications and the American Welding Society (AWS) certification.
- No manufacturer-specific program available
Portland Community College
Portland, Oregon
Portland Community College is the largest Community College in Oregon, with four main campuses and other additional centers across Portland, which serves its vast population of more than 60,000 students. A two-year NATEF-certified associate degree in Automotive Service Technology is available at the institution, alongside alternate options under its Auto Collision Repair Technology program.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service Technology, AAS (77 credits)
- Auto Collision Repair Technology (90 credits)
- Auto Collision Repair Technology Certificate (72 credits)
- Auto Body Painting (36 credits)
- Auto Collision Repair Technology less than one year certificate (36 credits)
- In-state:$123/credit
- Out-of-state:$258/credit
Why Study Here
- Automotive Technology coursework focuses on all eight aspects of ASE certification, with standard learning equipment available to students, including over 40 vehicle test fleets, two computerized four-wheel alignment racks, and more than ten above-ground hoists
- A 17,000 square-feet auto repair learning facility, with high-tech equipment and tools
- I-CAR-approved Auto Collision Repair curriculum
- Students earn I-CAR credits and Non-Structural Pro-Level 1 certification during the Auto Collision Repair Technology program
- Automotive Service Technology frequently receives auto service work from customers to enable students to practice what they’ve learned during the coursework using real-life repair situations
- Automotive Service Technology coursework follows a term-by-term timeline rather than the conventional semester system
Salt Lake City, Utah
With ten campuses and over 200 degree and certificate programs, Salt Lake Community College is the largest academic institution of its kind in Utah. The school offers five options under automotive technology, including two AAS degrees and three certificate courses.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technician, AAS (68 credits)
- Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing, AAS (64 credits)
- Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair, CC (38 credits)
- Automotive Collision Repair, CC (32 credits)
- Automotive Refinishing, CC (34 credits)
- In-state:$233.25/credit
- Out-of-state:$665.50/credit
Why Study Here
- Alternative certificate options for students seeking a faster route into employment
- Auto Collision coursework includes I-CAR-qualified training
- Programs do not include internship or apprenticeship with a manufacturer-specific dealership
Blackhawk Technical College
Janesville, Wisconsin
Blackhawk Technical College offers about 50 degree and certificate options to a population of more than 2000 students spread across its central campus and other affiliated learning centers. Among its available offerings is a Two-Year Associate Technician Technical Diploma Program. The course is ASE-certified and features classroom and hands-on practical shop sessions.
Included Programs
- Associate Technician Technical Diploma (55 credits, four semesters)
- In-state:$138.90/Credit
- Out-of-state:$208.35/Credit
Why Study Here
- ASE-certified Coursework
- Tuition among the lowest in the State of Wisconsin
- Lack of alternate certificate options for students who seek a shorter pathway into employment
- Technical Diploma Program does not involve a manufacturer-specific apprenticeship
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Laramie County Community College offers over 100 associate and certificate programs. An AAS in automotive technology, alongside two diploma options, are among the degrees available at the institution. The automotive technology diplomas offer students who wish to study at LCCC a fast learning route, as they could complete their coursework in as little as 16 weeks.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS
- Automotive Technology – Engine Management/Drivability Credit Diploma (16 credits)
- Automotive Technology – Under Car/HVAC Credit Diploma (17 credits)
- In-state:$147.75/credit
- Out-of-state:$345.75/credit
Why Study Here
- Diploma option gives students accelerated study route to employment, with program completed in about 16 weeks
- Coursework meets ASE industry standards
- Programs do not include apprenticeship with a manufacturer-sponsored dealership
Lincoln, Nebraska
Southeast Community College operates three campuses across the State of Nebraska. The institution also has over 20 off-campus sites located in about 15 counties. SCC runs five automotive technology programs, including three manufacturer-specific options for Ford, General Motors, and MOPAR-FCA.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (65-66 credits, four semesters)
- Auto Collision Repair Technology (65 credits, four semesters)
- Ford Automotive Student Service Educational Training (62 credits, four semesters)
- General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program (65 credits, four semesters)
- MOPAR-FCA/Dodge/RAM/Jeep College Automotive Program (61 credits, four semesters)
- In-state:$102.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$123/credit
Why Study Here
- Manufacturer-specific programs equip students with the skill-set necessary for specialized vehicles, diagnostic equipment, and components
- Pay-as-you-earn opportunities with sponsored dealerships under the manufacturer-specific programs
- Students participate in SCC’s Engine Build Competitions
- 89% of graduates from the various programs found employment in their field of study
- All programs require a learning period of two years, with no shorter options for students searching for an accelerated study pathway
Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Western Nebraska Community College offers associate and certificate courses across four campuses in the State of Nebraska. It has two degree options available for automotive technology, both with a study duration of fewer than four semesters, alongside an internship program.
Included Programs
- Associate of Occupational Studies in Automotive Technology (43-46 credits)
- Certificate or Diploma in Automotive Technology (30-37 credits)
- In-state:$106.50/credit
- Out-of-state:$107.50/credit
Why Study Here
- The most extended program duration is three semesters, which is ideal for students looking for a faster route to employment
- The automotive internship program allows students to develop real word experience while learning
- Out-of-state tuition is very affordable
- The internship program isn’t manufacturer-specific
Allegany College of Maryland
Cumberland, Maryland
Formerly called Allegany Community College, Allegany College of Maryland offers over 90 academic programs across its three campuses – the main campus in Maryland and two other Pennsylvania sites. The institution offers three automotive technology options:a two-year AAS degree, a one-semester certificate, and a one-year Auto Tech course.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology (68-69 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Technology (33 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Service Attendant (16 credits, one semester)
- In-county:$129/credit
- Out-of-county:$247/credit
- Out-of-state:$314/credit
Why Study Here
- One-semester and one-year study options for students seeking quicker pathways outside the conventional two-year and four-year Programs
- A high-tech laboratory facility that provides students the opportunity to get hands-on experience
- The program is ASE Education Foundation-certified
- Programs do not involve apprenticeship with a manufacturer-specific sponsored dealership
Hilo, Hawaii
Hawaii Community College operates two campuses, with the main campus at Hilo being a part of the University of Hawaii System. HCC offers an AAS program in Automotive Mechanics Technology, with classes held at the main campus.
Included Programs
- Automotive Mechanics Technology, AAS (63 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Mechanics Technology, CA (51 credits, four semesters)
- Auto Body Repair and Painting, AAS (63 credits, four semesters)
- Auto body Repair and Painting, CA (51 credits, four semesters)
- In-state:$131/credit
- Out-of-state:$345.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Participating in the program equips students with the entry-level skill-set necessary for the automotive industry while also aiding their advancement to higher competency levels in the sector
- None of the programs have a duration of fewer than two years:this could be a disadvantage to students who want accelerated pathways into employment
Honolulu, Hawaii
Honolulu is another community college that is a part of the University of Hawaii. The institution is famous for its industrial, academic programs, such as automotive technology, which has seen it ranked among the top auto mechanic schools in the State of Hawaii. Automotive Technology and Auto Body Repair and Painting are the two degree options available at the college.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (80-83 credits)
- Automotive Technology, CA (24 credits)
- Auto Body Repair and Painting, AAS
- Auto Body Repair and Painting, CA (28 credits)
Why Study Here
- I-CAR and NATEF-based learning curriculum
- Certificate of Achievement (CA) program offers an alternative and a quicker pathway towards employment
- Auto Body Repair and Painting, AAS Program is currently on hold
- Degree options do not involve manufacturer-specific sponsored dealership training
Leeward Community College
Pearl City, Hawaii
Leeward Community College joins Hawaii Community College and Honolulu Community College as a branch of the University of Hawaii. LCC also rates high among the top auto mechanic schools in the state. The school offers three degree options under automotive technology, with the AAS course allowing students to participate in the Ford ASSET program.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (63-64 credits)
- Automotive Technology, CA (30 credits)
- Automotive Technology, CC (15 credits)
- In-state:$131.00/credits
- Out-of-state:$345.00
Why Study Here
- AAS degree option offers students an opportunity to participate in the Ford ASSET program
- Alternative degree programs with shorter study duration for accelerated pathways into employment
- International students must be 18 years before applying for any program in the college
Stockton, California
One of the most highly-rated community colleges in California, San Joaquin Delta College offers over 100 certificate and degree options to a student population of more than 15,000 individuals. The institution has five programs under automotive technology, including one AAS degree and four certificate courses.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (66 credits)
- Automotive Dealer Technician Certificate of Achievement (54 credits)
- Automotive Lubrication Technician Certificate of Achievement (18 credits)
- Automotive Master Technician Certificate of Achievement (52 credits)
- Automotive Mechanics Technology Certificate of Achievement (30 units)
- In-state:$46/unit
- Out-of-state:$278/unit + $46/unit enrollment fee
Why Study Here
- Comprehensive list of degree programs for students seeking an AAS or a shorter certificate pathway
- AAS program has I-CAR and California Department of Consumer Affairs/Bureau of Automotive Repair (DCA/BAR) certification
- Students can obtain licenses and certificates from the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) after the program, including the Smog Check Repair Technician and Brake and Headlamp Adjusters licenses
- Tuition is affordable for in-state students
- Automotive Dealer Technician Program includes an apprenticeship with General Motors dealership
- Out-of-state tuition rate significantly higher than the in-state fee
San Joaquin Delta College
Stockton, California
One of the most highly-rated community colleges in California, San Joaquin Delta College offers over 100 certificate and degree options to a student population of more than 15,000 individuals. The institution has five programs under automotive technology, including one AAS degree and four certificate courses.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (66 credits)
- Automotive Dealer Technician Certificate of Achievement (54 credits)
- Automotive Lubrication Technician Certificate of Achievement (18 credits)
- Automotive Master Technician Certificate of Achievement (52 credits)
- Automotive Mechanics Technology Certificate of Achievement (30 units)
- In-state:$46/unit
- Out-of-state:$278/unit + $46/unit enrollment fee
Why Study Here
- Comprehensive list of degree programs for students seeking an AAS or a shorter certificate pathway
- AAS program has I-CAR and California Department of Consumer Affairs/Bureau of Automotive Repair (DCA/BAR) certification
- Students can obtain licenses and certificates from the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) after the program, including the Smog Check Repair Technician and Brake and Headlamp Adjusters licenses
- Tuition is affordable for in-state students
- Automotive Dealer Technician Program includes an apprenticeship with General Motors dealership
- Out-of-state tuition rate significantly higher than the in-state fee
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kalamazoo Valley Community College offers certificate and associate degrees in over 45 areas of study. The institution also operates four campuses across the state of Michigan. In automotive technology, KVCC has 13 options, including two AAS programs and 11 certificates.
Included Programs
- Automotive Drivability Systems, AAS (62 credits)
- Automotive Undercar Systems, AAS (62 credits)
- Auto Hybrid &Adv Tech Vehicle, CERT (31 credits)
- General Automotive Service, CERT (32 credits)
- Auto Automatic Trans/Axle, COA (14 credits)
- Auto Brake Systems, COA (16 credits)
- Auto Electrical/Electronic Systems, COA (12 credits)
- Auto Engine Performance, COA (20 credits)
- Auto Engine Repair, COA (10 credits)
- Auto Heat/Air Conditioning, COA (16 credits)
- Auto Light Duty Diesel Engines, COA (21 credits)
- Auto Manual Drive Train/Axles, COA (13 credits)
- Auto Steering &Suspension, COA (12 credits)
- In-District:$114.00/credit
- Out-of-District:$197.00/credit
- Out-of-State:$264.00/credit
- International:$299.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Comprehensive list of degree programs covering every aspect of automotive repair and maintenance, with short study durations providing students with accelerated pathways to employment
- Coursework equips and prepares students for ASE master certification, Michigan State certification tests, and the Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS) certificate exam for refrigerant handling
- Degree programs do not involve internship or apprenticeship with sponsored dealerships
Lansing, Michigan
Lansing Community College is another one of the most highly-rated colleges in Michigan. The school offers over 200 degree options to a population of over 16,000 students. It also has six academic programs under automotive technology.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technologies, AAS (72 credits)
- Automotive Technologies, CA (41 credits, three semesters)
- Automotive Technology:Advanced Electric Drive/Alternative Fuels, CA (36 credits, three semesters)
- Automotive Technology:Brakes and Suspension Systems Specialist, CC (13 credits, one semester)
- Automotive Technology:Electrical and HVAC Diagnostic Specialist, CC (17 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Technology:Engine and Transmission Overhaul Specialist, CC (17 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Technology:Engine Performance and Drivability Specialist, CC (25 credits, three semesters)
- In-District:$111/credit
- In-state:$222/credit
- International:$389/credit
Why Study Here
- Comprehensive degree program options covering all significant aspects of automotive technology to give students practical experience in automobile repair and maintenance
- Real-world repair experience through the school’s high-tech auto labs
- No internship or apprenticeship with a manufacturer-specific sponsored dealership
Detroit, Michigan
Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD) operates five campuses that serve the school’s 60,000 credit and non-credit students. The institution has over 100 programs under several disciplines, including automotive technology. The options at WCCCD for students seeking a career as auto mechanics are Auto Body Technology, AAS, Auto Body Technology, CC, Automotive Service Technology, AAS, and Automotive Service Technology, CC.
Included Programs
- Auto Body Technology, AAS (62 credits, five semesters)
- Auto Body Technology, CC (36 credits, two semesters)
- Automotive Service Technology, AAS (64 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Service Technology, CC (30 credits)
- In-district:$107.10
- Out-of-district:$118.30
- Out-of-state:$148.90
Why Study Here
- College certificate options provide students with quicker pathways to employment
- The curriculum prepares and equips students for ASE certification tests and Michigan State licenses such as Damage Repair and Refinishing, and Damage Analysis and Estimation
- Tuition rates are among the cheapest in Michigan
- None of the programs include a manufacturer-specific apprenticeship
Muskegon, Michigan
Muskegon Community College offers more than 80 associate degree and certificate programs across its three campuses – one main campus and two extension centers. It has two options under automotive technology:Automotive Technology, AAS, and Automotive Technician Certificate.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (62 credits)
- Automotive Technician Certificate (30-31 credits)
- In-county:$121.50/credit
- Out-of-county:$227.00/credit
- Out-of-state:$318.00/credit
Why Study Here
- Alternative study option for students who want a faster pathway to employment
- No internships or apprenticeships in any of the programs
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Washtenaw Community College offers 137 academic programs to a population of over 20,000 credit students. Among its degree options includes three AAS’ in automotive technology and three certificate courses.
Included Programs
- Automotive Service/EMU Technology Management (94 credits)
- Automotive Test Technician (60 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive Test Technician/EMU Technology Management (94 credits)
- Advanced Automotive Services Technician (13 credits)
- Auto Body Repair (30 credits)
- Automotive Services Technician (30 credits)
- In-district:$95/credit
- Out-of-district:$164/credit
- Out-of-state:$227/credit
- International:$268/credit
Why Study Here
- Coursework equips and prepares students for Michigan State certification tests
- Programs cover several aspects of automotive technology
- Auto Body Repair curriculum includes I-car based MIG welding
- Students under the Automotive Services Technician program will take part in the construction of performance vehicles
- No paid internship or apprenticeship with a manufacturer-specific sponsored dealership
Baker College
Owosso, Michigan
Baker college is the largest private higher-learning institution in Michigan, with several campuses spread across its metropolis. It offers academic programs in automotive technology through its Auto/Diesel Institute (ADI) of Michigan. Two degree options are available at the facility:an AAS and a certificate course, both in Automotive Services Technology.
Included Programs
- Automotive Services Technology, AAS (60 credits hours)
- Automotive Services Technology Certificate (35 credit hours)
Why Study Here
- Combines classroom sessions with practical hands-on training, with 43,000 square feet of auto and diesel labs available to students to provide real-world repair experience
- Students take ASE Master Certification exams in all eight required areas of auto repair and maintenance after the AAS program
Ironwood, Michigan
Gogebic Community College has two campuses across Michigan that serves a population of roughly 1000 students. An AAS and a certificate program in automotive technology are among the degrees on offer at the University.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (68-69 credits)
- Automotive Technology Certificate (53 credits)
- In-district:$127.00/credit hour
- Out-of-district:$180/credit hour
- Out-of-state:$209/credit hour
- International:$260/credit hour
Why Study Here
- Curriculum is NATEF-certified
- Coursework covers all major areas of automotive repair and maintenance and prepares students for Michigan State and ASE certification exams
- The curriculum includes management and communication skills, which gives students employment chances in automotive management and business
- High-tech automotive labs to give students real-world repair experience
- Available programs take two years to complete, with no shorter degree option for students seeking accelerated pathways
Flint, Michigan
Named after politician Charles Stewart Mott, Mott Community College offers 100 academic programs at its main campus and four extension centers. MCC also has a student population of over 6,000 individuals and a graduation rate of 15.1%. Three degree options are available in automotive technology, including an AAS and two certificate courses.
Included Programs
- Automotive Technology, AAS (75 credits/108 contact hours)
- Automotive Alternative Fuels (31 credits/45 contact hours)
- Automotive Undercar Repair Certificate (31 credits/contact hours)
- In-district:$143.58/contact hour
- Out-of-district:$183.40/contact hour
- Out-of-state:$$261.40/contact hour
Why Study Here
- The curriculum prepares students for ASE and state certification exams
- Certificate options provide students with shorter routes to employment
- AAS program includes manufacturer-specific Fiat Chrysler technical training, which offers students employment opportunities with Mopar dealerships
- AAS program requires six semesters to complete
Harrison, Michigan
Mid Michigan Community College operates two campuses across the State of Michigan, including a 560-acre main campus. These two sites serve a diverse student population of over 2,000 individuals and offer several associate degrees and certificate options in numerous fields, including auto technology.
Included Programs
- Automotive and Diesel Service, AAS (69 credits, four semesters)
- Automotive and Diesel Service, one-year training credential (35 credits, two semesters)
- In-district:$129/credit
- Out-of-district:$217/credit
- International:$378/credit
Why Study Here
- Brand new automotive lab, with state-of-the-art equipment combined with a dealership-style learning structure
- Fast-track learning pathway, with the possibility of rounding up the one-year training program within 30 weeks
- Students earn industry-recognized certifications from highly-rated companies like Snap-On and Starret during program duration to increase employment chances
- Despite a dealership-style shop learning structure, the programs do not focus on a particular automobile manufacturer
Job&Salary Outlook for Auto Mechanics
Auto mechanics as a whole have a bright outlook right now in the United States. Everybody needs their car and needs it to work well. Much of today’s workforce is older, though, and likely to retire in the next ten years. This means a lot of openings for those coming out of auto mechanic school.
You can make good money as an auto mechanic. Salaries vary based on your education, experience, and whether you’re employed in a garage or work independently, ranging from a low of $11.26/hour to a high of over $32/hour. The average hourly wage for a mechanic in 2018 was $19.78, which translates to around $40,000 a year.
Mechanic School Checklist
Having a degree from an auto mechanic training course is the best way to push yourself toward the upper end of that pay spectrum when you enter the workforce. But how do you choose the right school to get you there?
Online learning is one way to get around relocating for school. With something like repairing cars, though, you really need the hands-on experience. If you already work in a garage, an online course might work for you. For those new to auto repair, though, an in-person program is a must.
What else should you look for when choosing your school? Here’s a brief checklist of the main factors to consider:
Are they accredited?
The most important thing is to find a school accredited by the NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation). Only accredited programs can offer the ASE tests students need to take to become certified Master Technicians.
How large are the classes?
The teacher-to-student ratio at a school tells you how much personal instruction you’ll get from the faculty. Auto mechanic training works best in small classes, where everyone can get their hands on the cars and really learn how to make them work. Large lectures can be fine for general education classes, but when it comes to the more technical stuff, look for smaller class sizes.
How advanced are the facilities?
Car manufacturers are continually updating their vehicles, and mechanics need to keep up with these changes. Ensure the school uses the latest diagnostic and repair equipment so you’re ready to work in real garages when you graduate.
What is their student success rate?
The true measure of a school’s quality is how well their students do after graduation. How many of the program’s graduates found work in their field within the first six months? The higher this percentage, the better your chances to enter the workforce.
How experienced are the faculty?
You want the people instructing you to be experts in their field. The more experience they have, the more they’ll be able to pass on to you. Check out the faculty bios and look for people with at least ten years of experience as working mechanics.
What specialties do they offer?
Some schools also offer courses in collision repair, motorcycle repair, and other tangential services. Specialties like this can often make you more employable, especially if they’re something you already have an interest in.
How much does it cost?
We all know college can be expensive. The good news is that most of these courses are offered by trade schools and community colleges, which are, on average, far cheaper than 4-year universities. Still, if budget is a factor in your decision, pay attention to the cost per credit. It varies widely from one school to the next.
How long is the program?
To be ASE certified, you need to enroll in at least a 2-year program. You can also take the test with two years of work experience, however. If you already have that, you might prefer a program that gives you the knowledge you need to pass the ASE exams in 1 year or less.
Mechanic Licenses &Certifications
To become a certified technician, you have to pass the ASE exam. ASE stands for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, an independent organization that safeguards auto repair quality.
Certification also requires either two years of on-the-job training or a two-year degree from an accredited repair program and one year of on-the-job training. This is the main reason most mechanics seeking certification attend an automotive training program.
The automotive school also gives you the knowledge you need to pass the ASE exams. The tests are complicated, and only about 2/3 of test-takers pass their first time.
Automotive technicians also need to re-take the ASE exams every five years to maintain their certification. Returning to school for a semester to prepare for the exam can help keep you current with the industry’s standards.
Essential Skills &Experience for Auto Mechanics
Before you decide to enroll in an automotive technician training program, you should make sure it’s the right career path for you. There are some common traits and skills that make someone a good auto mechanic. Ask yourself:
Are you physically able to be a mechanic?
Auto technicians don’t sit at a desk. For most people, this is one of the most appealing things about the job. Just make sure you’ve prepared for the reality of being on your feet or under cars pretty much all day.
Are you good with people?
Whether you work for a dealership or own your own garage, there’s an element of customer service in every mechanic’s job. Explaining complicated problems to a layman can be tricky, especially for a layman who’s already mad about his broken car. A good mechanic needs customer service skills as much as technical knowledge.
Are you good at problem-solving?
Mechanics have many diagnostic tools at their disposal, but they won’t always give you the answer. An auto technician uses the vehicle’s clues to diagnose and solve the problem as quickly as possible. If you’re good at identifying problems and finding solutions, you’ll be a good mechanic.
Are you technically proficient?
More and more, there are two levels to a mechanic’s technical proficiency. You still need the mechanical aptitude to get under the hood, but now you also need the technical knowledge to get inside the dashboard. Understanding electronic systems is a huge advantage for a modern mechanic.
Can you work well under pressure?
Nobody wants to wait around for their car to be fixed. Every time a car comes in, you want to get it back on the road as fast as possible. A good mechanic can keep his cool and maintain his focus even in a hectic environment.
Do you like to learn?
A car mechanic isn’t done learning when he graduates. Staying up-to-date with the latest developments in-car technology—and how to repair them—means being a life-long learner. An auto repair technician is an excellent career for somebody who loves figuring out new and better ways of doing things.
Do you know a lot about cars?
This might seem obvious, but it helps to have a starting background in car repair before entering into an auto mechanic training program. If you already know how to do simple repairs, you’ll catch on faster with more advanced techniques.