Tutto su Winch:cos'è Winch e come funziona?


Gli appassionati di fuoristrada potrebbero sapere cos'è un verricello. Viene utilizzato principalmente su veicoli trainanti ma può essere montato anche su SUV e camion da lavoro. Progettato per trainare oggetti pesanti, un argano è costituito da un tamburo, una fune o un cavo, un motore e un treno di ingranaggi. Le persone che partecipano a raduni o avventure fuoristrada usano un verricello per tirare fuori i veicoli da un fosso o da strade sconnesse. Altre aree in cui gli argani vengono utilizzati più comunemente includono progetti di costruzione, paesaggistica e marittimi.

Sebbene oggi gli argani siano ampiamente utilizzati per scopi diversi, il loro uso effettivo risale a tempi antichi. Nel corso della storia, gli argani sono stati utilizzati per spostare oggetti. Gli antichi greci li usavano per sollevare ponti, strumenti pesanti e per costruire edifici monumentali. Comprendere il loro scopo e le loro capacità può aiutarti a decidere se ne hai bisogno per la tua auto o meno. Esploriamo cos'è il verricello e cosa può fare.

Argani per veicoli

Se ti piacciono le avventure e vai in fuoristrada, è probabile che avrai bisogno di un verricello davanti al tuo veicolo. Un argano può tirarti fuori da qualsiasi situazione su terreni sabbiosi, rocciosi, innevati e persino fangosi. Dovresti prendere in considerazione l'aggiunta di un verricello alla parte anteriore del tuo veicolo, soprattutto se ti piace portare il tuo veicolo in aree remote, per viaggiare da solo. Gli argani hanno anche altri usi oltre a tirare fuori i veicoli.

Altri tipi di argani

A causa delle differenze tra le auto 4×4 e i camion 4×4, esistono diversi tipi di ragazze per il fuoristrada di auto e camion.

In base al loro utilizzo, i verricelli sono divisi in categorie specifiche:verricello di smorzamento, verricello per camion, verricello per alianti, verricello da ormeggio e verricello per cabestano solo per citarne alcuni.

Ecco alcuni degli argani più comunemente usati che puoi trovare:

  • Verricello da ormeggio: Gli argani di ormeggio sono fondamentalmente utilizzati su navi e imbarcazioni per fissarli al molo.
  • Verricello per camion: È uno dei tipi più comuni di argano, spesso utilizzato per estrarre veicoli bloccati. Consiste in un cavo o fune tirato dal motore di un altro veicolo.
  • Verricello Wakeskate: È utilizzato negli sport acquatici o sulla neve. Consiste in una corda, bobina, maniglie, telaio, motore e trasmissione. Solleva la corda e permette a una persona di sciare.

Verricello automatico vs manuale

Manuale: Gli argani manuali, noti anche come argani manuali, hanno la capacità di sollevare da 200 kg a 5000 kg di carico. Gli argani manuali vengono azionati ruotando la leva a cricchetto per sollevare o tirare un carico. Questo è spesso facile da lavorare con carichi medi e richiede anche pochissima manutenzione.

Automatico: Gli argani automatici sono azionati da un motore elettrico. Regolano la tensione del cavo o lo rompono di conseguenza ed estraggono il carico attaccato all'estremità della fune. They are more efficient and faster for a load that is too heavy for a manual winch.

How winches work

Each type of manual and automatic winches has different mechanisms. Some of the most common types are listed below:

Electrical Winch

An electric winch uses the battery of a vehicle to power its motor. These winches are the perfect choice for lifting out heavy loads.

Electrical winches are composed of several different parts, each with a specific purpose that complements the overall function. Components of the basic system are:

  • Single Cable Wire: Typically, this component is either a synthetic wire or just a steel cable that is wrapped around a drum in order to prevent entanglement.
  • Drum: A rotating drum in the winch winds the cable into or out of a spool in a circular motion.
  • Motor: A motor drives the drum to initiate functioning so that it can pull in the wire and wrap it around itself.
  • A Gear Train: By converting the motor’s power into pulling power, the gear train component allows the winch to pull any kind of heavy material.

Hydraulic Winch

A hydraulic winch is a compact device that is powered by a hydraulic system and pump. They can lift more weight than an electrical winch. Hydraulic winches are often used onboard boats to move heavy machinery and equipment on both the shore and at the docks.

Mechanical Hand Operated Winch

A mechanical hand-operated winch, also known as a handheld winch, consists of a wire rope caught and released by a series of clamps. These winches are light and very convenient to carry.

Cost of Winch

The cost of a winch depends on which size and type you opt for. And there are a few factors that determine the price of the winch such as its quality, durability and load capacity.

For example, a manual winch can cost you anywhere from around AED 300 to AED 400. Whereas, an electrical winch cost ranges between AED 800 to AED 2,000.

Rope options

You can choose between synthetic rope or steel cable.

Steel Rope :Steel rope is durable, affordable, and easy to maintain. However, you have to keep your bumper in mind when installing steel rope. If you like to go off-roading in mud, sand, and rocks, then steel rope is the ideal choice for you. They can also be used on highly unstable terrains. Wear heavy gloves to protect your hands when handling steel rope.

Synthetic Rope :This is flexible, safer, easier, and lighter to handle than the steel cable. You would not need gloves when handling synthetic rope. They’re great for recovery or trial. However, they require proper care and maintenance and are very susceptible to UV exposure, chemicals, heat, and abrasion. You have to clean them regularly to keep them from deteriorating.

Mount options

Not every bumper is designed to carry a winch. The load which is supposed to be pulled by the winch needs to be distributed equally. Therefore you have to consider the proper mounting option. A few popular mount options are stated below.

  • Bumper mount
  • Multi-mount
  • Winch bumper

How to Use an Electrical Winch

Using a winch can be dangerous. If you are planning to use or install one, consider learning its safe and proper use. Before starting, put your gloves on, especially if you’re dealing with a wire rope.

  • Properly rig a winch
  • Find an anchor point, such as a tree, vehicle, or boulder
  • Pull line to the anchor point, and secure it with a shackle
  • Now connect the remote and put the line under tension
  • Use a coat or a blanket on the line once it’s tight
  • Now slowly start pulling while operating your vehicle
  • Clear the area during the pulling to avoid any injuries
  • Continue pulling until the vehicle is on stable ground
  • Disengage the winch once done
  • Rewind the winch cable using the remote
  • Unhook the winch cable from the shackles and store it in your vehicle

How to Store a Winch in your Vehicle?

Winch ropes can be remarkably durable and will last for years if properly maintained and protected. In order to keep the ropes (winches) from deteriorating, keep them away from moisture and direct heat. If the synthetic rope is cleaned regularly, small dust, sand, mud, and other particles are less likely to lodge within its fibres. Use a winch cover on a winch that has a synthetic rope.


Q. How do I select a winch for my vehicle?

When selecting a winch, you have to consider its pulling rate. It should be able to lift 5 times the gross weight of your vehicle. Also, an automatic winch is faster but manual costs lower.

Q. What is winch used for?

A winch mounted on the front bumper can be utilised for self-recovery when your vehicle is stuck.

That was all you needed to know about winches and their types. It is one of the essential accessories for off-roading. However, if self-recovery options are not working, immediately call for professional help. Apart from self-recovering tools, you can also accessorise your car with gadgets and other important tool kits. You can buy a range of used car parts and accessories online.

For more information on car parts and accessories, keep visiting the UAE’s best auto blog.